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Companies' Chief Executives

Abramov, Aleksey Anatolyevich
Chairman of the board of directors and General Director of "Gostiny Dvor".

Aladushkin Aleksandr Nikolayevich
Chairman of "Lenstroimaterialy" Investments and Financing Group's administrative board.

Alekseyev, Sergey Aleksandrovich
Director of the "AFB-II" company.

Alekseyev, Sergey Pavlovich
General Director of the Exhibition Joint-stock Company "LenExpo".

Ananov, Andrey Georgievich
President of the firm "Russian Jewellery art - Ananov". Chairman of the Russian Cultural Workers' Union.

Andriushkevich Alexandr Iosifovich
General Director of "Jewelland", a jewelry firm.

Antesov Ziyaddin Gasan-Ogly
General Director of Arfa ("Harp") Inc. (the former Lunacharsky Factory)

Baskin, Ilya Mikhailovich
Chairman of the board of directors of the joint-stock company "Garant", of the joint-stock company "Ust-Ulug Company", Chairman of the board of directors and Chairman of the board of the joint-stock company "Technokhim", President of the consortium "Europe-America 500" and Councilor of the directors of the joint-stock company "The Trading House "Frunzensky".

Belova Marina Albertovna
Director General, Elix Co.

Ermilova Tatiana Vladimirovna
General Director of JSC "Consult" Auditing Firm.

Galibov, Georgii Gavrilovich
General director of the joint-stock company "New Holland".

Gauz Andrei Nikolayevich
Director of JSC "Barbaletta" Stevedore Company.

Glazkov Vadim Petrovich
President of close corporation "Petersburg's Fuel Corporation".

Gorbenko, Vladislav Ivanovich
General Director of the APEC agency.

Kheiphits, Mikhail Vechiaslavovich
General Director of the Joint-Stock Company "Middle and Large Tonnage Shipbuilding Concern".

Ivanov Sergey Yuryevich
Director General of the Information Resources Agency.

Juminov Oleg Vasiljevich
President and Director General, Non-profit Partnership "Association of Stock Institutes". Director General, JSC Diaga, JSC "New Information Technologies".

Kapysh, Pavel Grigorievich
Founder and, until July 1999, President of Baltic Financial and Industrial Group.

Klimin Aleksandr Nikolaevich
Director General, Kadis Co.

Koshelyov, Alexandr Mihailovich
General director of the "ELKO Technology - St. Petersburg "enterprise.

Kuskin, Ivan Semeonovich
General director of the joint - stock company "The Hotel complex" Pulkovskaya".

Kuznetsov Leonid Grigorievich
General Director of Compressor.

Lazaryan, Vyacheslav Pavlovich
General Director of JSC Sovauto St. Petersburg.

Leitis Igor Mikhailovich
General Director of JSC "Adamant".

Makarov Vladimir Valentinovich
Director of ERICON SOFT company.

Malenkovich Irina Vladimirovna
Principal of educational centre "Connessans".

Matveeva Anna Aleksandrovna
The founder of the Coffee Shop's Chain "Idealnaya Chashka".

Melua, Arkadij Ivanovich
General director of the biographical international encyclopedia "Gumanistica."

Mikhaylenko Andrey Victorovich
Director general, JSC “Telecominvest”.

Mirilashvili Konstantin Mikhailovich
President of "Euroservice" Corporation.

Mirilashvili Mikhail Mikhailovich
Chairman of "Petromir" holding's Board of Directors; President of Conti corporation.

Murzin, Yuri Zinovievich
General Director of the "Horizon" Trading House.

Nyago Aleksandr Nikolayevich
President of Government Atomic Holding Company "Tvel"

Patrushin Aleksander Aleksandrovich
Director, St. Petersburg subsidiary of JSC Insurance Company Inkasstrakh.

Pavlov, Georgii Ivanovich
General director of the "Petersburg Directories" publishing house.

Podlevskih, Igor Vladimirovich
General director of JSC "Hamoneriya".

Razumova Irina
President of the "Planeta Fitness" Company.

Renzhin, Nikolay Georgievich
Director of the hotel "Okhtinskaya".

Roshchin Alexei Stanislavovich
General Director of "The Fourth Dimension" company.

Rozov Viktor Ivanovich
Director General, JSC Visa.

Rumiantsev, Maksim Robertovich
Director of the Lubavich Publishing House

Skobara Vyacheslav Vladimirovich
General Director of JSC "Petro-Balt-Audit".

Stansmor, Tomas
Head of the St. Petersburg Representative Office of Deloitte & Touche

Trofimov Sergei Nikolayevich
President of "RESTEK" Exhibiting Association.

Tsivin Konstantin Eduardovich
Chief Executive Officer of the «Dom Laverna» Chain Store

Vlasov, Viktor Efimovich
Aide to the General Director of Dvoretz Sporta ("Athletes' Palace") Inc.

Voropayev, Yuri Nikolayevich
General Director of "Marketing, Consulting, Design" ("MCD")

Yakovlev, Valentin Mikhailovich
General Director of JSC Autotrans Transportation, President of the Regional Association of St. Petersburg's and the Leningrad region's Transportation Workers.

Yanov Vadim Eduardovich
General Director of JSC "Alma" Insurance Company.

Zherebtsov Oleg Viktorovich
The Chairman of the Group of Companies "LENTA" and the Chief Executive Officer of the Group of Companies "LENTA".

Zlydnikov Mikhail Dmitrievich
Director General, Joint-Stock Company “Russian Farmer” World Fair.

Zubrilin Pavel Valentinovich
Chief Executive Officer of the Joint Stock Insurance Company “Russky Mir”.

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