Lazaryan Vyacheslav Pavlovich
General Director of JSC Sovauto St. Petersburg.
He was born and grew up in the Karabakh district of Azerbaijan.
After graduating from secondary school he has begun to work as assistant
mechanic at the Mingechaur Road Service Machines Factory. There he has
mastered the profession of tools mechanic.
V.P. Lazaryan has served in the armed forces' railroad units in the
Leningrad region. He has remained in Leningrad after military service
in 1970. Afterwards, he was hired as a driver by the Leningrad Automobile
Transport Company # 17 at the Lenstroytrans Administrative Board. Mr. Lazaryan
has combined his work with studying at the Polytechnical University's evening
department. It was not easy, but both his studies and his accumulated
experience have shown their results. His hard work and initiative have
been noted and he has been raised to the position of operation engineer.
The young specialist has demonstrated his talents for administrative work
and in 1974 he has been appointed Deputy Chief of the Glavlenautotrans Trucking
Company # 15. After a year he has become Deputy Chief of the Lenstroytrans
Truck Operation Company # 2. At that time, the company has been servicing
the city's major construction projects. Mr. Lazaryan was charged with
creating new routes, forming driver's brigades and scheduling supply
deliveries. For the system to operate efficiently, he had to make trips
to construction sites on a 24-hour a day basis.
Well-organized supply delivery to the city's construction sites has been
noted by the Glavnevautotrans Board and in November 1981 he has been appointed
First Deputy Chief in charge of operation and commerce of the Leningrad's
Transportation System's Auto Service Board. The creation of
a transportation
system, co-ordinating and uniting all of the city's transport routes into a
network has led to a significant improvement of city life. This idea has been
approved by the national government and recommended for application in other
regions of the country. Transportation networks have been proved very useful
over time.
Mr. Lazaryan has remained at his position until February 1984, when he was
appointed Deputy Chief of the city's Board of Agriculture (Glavlenplodoovosch-
prom). This has drastically changed his sphere of work, but Lazaryan
energetically mastered his new specialty. The work involved a great amount of
responsibility due to the fact that the Board supplied the entire city with
food products. Lazaryan was soon promoted. The new position involved travelling
throughout the region as well as to other regions and U.S.S.R. republics.
Lazaryan was in charge of delivery agreements, which required persuasion and
sometimes coersion of partners that did not fulfill their agreement terms.
His duties led to close interaction with city administration and members of
the national government. He developed ties with various regions' administration
workers and greatly broadened his perspectives. During the period of
Mr. Lazaryan's work in the Agriculture Board, the famous free-price fruit and
vegetable shops, such as "Gdansk", "Gdynia" and "Sopot" were opened up for the
first time in the U.S.S.R. The prices in these shops were unfixed, determined
solely by their rentability.
Deliveries of agricultural products were made by direct contracts with
suppliers from U.S.S.R. republics and countries of the Warsaw Pact. Products
were delivered by automobile transport, with a simplified registration
procedure, in the shortest possible terms. This required a lot of co-ordination
work, certain international agreements had to be signed. A specialized 40-truck
automobile column was created by the board during this time. Later, the number
of trucks was brought to 180.
Over many years of work in another area, transportation has continued to
interest Mr. Lazaryan. In August 1990 he became Director of Sovauto-Leningrad
(later renamed Sovauto St. Petersburg) International Cargo Transportation
Association. Eight months after Lazaryan had left the Agriculture Board, its
administrative committee was dissolved.
Sovauto St. Petersburg became the first joint stock automobile transport
company to be registered in the city. It has gone through periods of rapid
development and crises. At the present time Sovauto St. Petersburg's General
Director is in charge of the largest automobile transport company in Russia's
North-Western region.
Mr. Lazaryan is well-known by Europe's transporation providers, particularly
in Scandinavia. He is a member of Russia's International Transportation
Association's Council. His merits have been awarded with the "Accomplished
Automobile Transportation Worker of Russia" honorary title.
Mr. Lazaryan drives his own work car. He loves to spend his free time in
natural settings, enjoys gardening on his private land lot in the country.
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