Juminov Oleg Vasiljevich
President and Director General, Non-profit Partnership "Association of Stock Institutes" (www.asi.fincor.ru) - since 1999. Director General, JSC Diaga (www.fincor.ru), JSC "New Information Technologies" - since 2000.
Born on July,8, 1967, in Omsk.
In 1984 moved to Leningrad and entered the Leningrad Technological Institute, the Engineering and Cybernetics Faculty.
In 1987-1989 served in the Soviet Army, where he became a geodesist of the fifth grade and a master of construction works. Directed building of several objects in Russia and Belarus, worked as a geodesist, a master, a foreman at different objects - both defence and civil; was awarded with the order "For Distinguished Labour Services", as well as different awards of the unit and district for excellent work execution. On returning from his service, almost at once engaged himself in commercial activity in the sphere of marketing, retail and wholesale trade. Since 1991 - Director of JSC MinEc. Till 1994 the company dealt with real estate, then transferred its activity to finance and securities market.
In 1994 - Director of a clearing firm at the St. Petersburg Futures Stock Exchange, Director General of the Clearing Centre "Parity". A member the Clearing House Council. With his assistance the biggest Russian market of derivative financial instruments was formed, and during the period from 1995 till 1997the company not once became the national leader in option and futures instruments. He made an undoubted contribution into improvement of legislature for derivative instruments; a unique system of risk management at commodity exchanges was developed. Since 1998 - Director General of JSC Brok-LSD - a company specialising on the market of municipal loans, corporate stock of the St. Petersburg Currency Exchange, a regional member of the Futures Section of the Moscow Interbank Stock Exchange and other exchanges of Russia.
After the crisis of 1998 the company's activity was reoriented to work with local budgets-non-payers and social activities. In June 1998 Juminov was elected Director General of the Non-profit Partnership "Association of Stock Institutes", which united about 20 professional participants of the North-West securities market.
In 2000 was elected President of the Association - actually the only association of such kind in the North-West Region of Russia. He did a lot to protect professional interests of the participants and to organize different interregional projects, to present the North-West community in different regions of the country, in press and network mass media.
With his assistance an information and dealing system for off-board markets was introduced and improved in many companies, which actually anticipated an internet-trading boom in the middle of 2000. In the network of cooperation with the Expert Council, attached to the Federal Commission of Securities Market, developed amendments to some normative documents in order to reduce financial burden on regional participants of securities market and to improve licence legislature. Also the Association prepared recommendations and materials to improve legislative regulation of exchanges and their activity, to normalize taxation of transactions with securities with derivative instruments, for the Federal Commission of Securities Market and Ministry of Antimonopoly Policy and Entrepreneurship Support. The Association and headed by Juminow Daiga actively participate in the regional project "The Market of St. Petersburg Growth", which is supposed to lure investments into new or developed projects of the region.
Oleg Vasiljevich constantly develops his professional growth, is always ready for new beginnings.
In 2000 took and external degree in the North-West Academy of Governmental Service, the speciality - law. This allowed him to assert interests of professional society more professionally, both on regional and Russia's level. Some of these cases evoked widespread public response and are actually are on all fours in Russia.
At the present he actively participates in revival and formation of a normative base for the St. Petersburg Futures Exchange, acting as the main consultant of the project.
As the head of internet-trading company working in several different directions in the sphere of high technologies he tries to reach maximum level of clients or company's partners interests protection. the company extends its interregional contacts: besides membership at St. Petersburg and Moscow exchanges, it is a regional member of the Nizhny Novgorod Currency-Stock Exchange.
Takes part in a number of charity projects in CIS; supported international research chronobiological Forum in the Internet in 2001; corroborates with scientific journals ("Reality and a Subject") and societies ("Synergetics", etc.) in the field of researches, advertising and projects organization.
Interested in psychology, theory of cyclic processes, social and political forecasting, religious matters, politics, macroeconomics, problems of Russia's role in the geopolitical process.
Hobby - travelling.
Married, has two children.
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