Alferov Zhores
Nobel Prize for Physics, 2000.
Brodsky Joseph
Nobel Prize for Literature, 1987.
Bunin Ivan
Nobel Prize for Literature, 1933.
Cherenkov Pavel
Nobel Prize for Physics, 1958.
Frank Ilya
Nobel Prize for Physics, 1958.
Kantorovich Leonid
Prize for Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, 1975.
Kapitsa Pyotr
Nobel Prize for Physics, 1978 r.
Laundau Lev
Nobel Prize for Physics, 1962.
Leontief Wassily
Prize for Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, 1973.
Mechnikov Ilya
Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, 1908.
Pavlov Ivan
Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, 1904.
Prokhorov Aleksandr
Nobel Prize for Physics, 1964.
Semyonov Nikolay
Nobel Prize for Chemistry, 1956.
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