Ermilova Tatiana Vladimirovna
General Director of JSC "Consult" Auditing Firm.
Born on December 12, 1960 in Leningrad.
Has a 10-year-old daughter. Her husband is a criminal lawyer.
In 1984 Tatiana Ermilova graduated from Leningrad's Finance and Economy Institute named after N.A. Voznesensky, specializing in finance and credit.
Since 1979 till 1991 she has been working in the finance board of Petrogradsky District Council's executive committee, beginning as a revising inspector and making her way to the position of the board's Chief.
In 1991 she registered her "Consult" auding firm, which over the period of several years has been among Russia's one hundred largest auditing companies. It is a member of St. Petersburg's Auditors' House and Association of Joint Enterprises and has the accreditation of Gosstroy (Russian State Construction Board), of the State Property Committee of Russia and of St. Petersburg's Committee for City Property Management.
Tatiana Ermilova lectures on topics of bookkeeping and taxation, has publications in various economic periodicals.
T. Ermilova has received a musical education, she is fond of ballroom dancing and landscape design.
Her favorite recreation passtime is a barbecue with friends in a natural setting.
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