Bazhanov Sergej Viktorovich The President of the International Bank of Saint Petersburg.
Belykh Andrei Akatovich
Chief of JSC "Alpha Bank" St. Petersburg branch's Customer Service Department.
Bezrukikh Sergei Borisovich
Deputy Manager of JSC "Alpha Bank"'s St. Petersburg branch.
Guz Vladislav Stanislavovich
Vice President of JSC "Alpha Bank". Deputy Manager of Alpha Bank's St. Petersburg branch.
Kotelkin Yuri Vladimirovich
Chief of JSC "Alpha Bank" St-Petersburg branch's Credit Department.
Lukjanov Andrey Valerjevich
Deputy Head of Investment Business, St. Petersburg Subsidiary of JSC Alfa-Bank
Riabov Vitaly Vladimirovich
Executive vice-president of "Alpha-Bank" public corporation. Executive of "Alpha-Bank" office in St. Petersburg.
Shubaev Sergey Vladimirovich
Deputy head of the North-West branch of JSB IBG NIKoil.
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