SRRI Federal State Unitary Enterprise
"S.V. Lebedev Synthetic Rubber Research Institute" (SRRI) federal state unitary enterprise is one of the largest science research centers where all fundamental and applied research conducted in Russia in the area of synthetic rubbers and latex studies is concentrated. Over 90% of all kinds of rubber and latex manufactured in Russia have been created by the institute's team.
The industrial method of obtaining synthetic rubber (polybutadiene), one of the most important achievements of 20th century technology, has been developed at SRRI for the first time in the world. A synthetic analogue of natural rubber and special-purpose rubbers with a unique complex of properties, widely applied in automobile, aerospace, medical, cable and electronic industries, in construction technology and in shipbuilding, have also been created here.
Over 1,500 persons, including 16 Doctors and 80 Candidates of Sciences, are employed at SRRI and at its branch in Voronezh. The institute's team is headed by Accomplished Worker of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Chemistry professor Vitaly Abramovich Kormer.
SRRI includes two experimental factories, manufacturing:
- Syloxane and fluorosyloxane polymers for fireproof and heat-proof materials and surfaces, durable in various environments, in conditions of high radiation and in vacuum, in a high range of temperatures;
- thermo-, and reaction-proof fluororubbers for hermetizing and isolation materials of high degrees of reliability;
- liquid rubbers of various nature;
- butadiene nitryl rubbers of various types;
- butadiene styrol statistic co-polymers;
- butadiene isoprene styrol triple co-polymers;
- thermoelastoplastics of various brands;
- butadiene styrol rubbers with emulsion polymerization superior in their qualities to foreign analogues;
- hydrized polymers;
- new generation synthetic latexes;
- wear-proof urethane elastomeres with a wide range of hardness, high strength and elasticity, and other materials.
The institute participates in a number of federal programs.
SRRI has a graduate studies and a doctoral studies program associated with it. A doctoral dissertation council at SRRI is preparing science specialists for the synthetic rubber industry and for associated areas of industry.
Russia, 198035, St. Petersburg, Gapsalskaya Street, 1
Tel.: (812) 251 4028
Fax: (812) 251-4813
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