Semenenko Piotr Georgievich
General Director of JSC "Kirovsky Factory".
Born January 23, 1946 in the town of Rudchenkovo, Donetsk region (Ukraine).
Piotr Semenenko began his work career at Kirovsky Factory in 1970 after graduating from Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute. He worked at leading positions in the production of turbines, pumps, tractors, and other machines. Piotr Semenenko was a foreman, Chief of a shop, Production Director, Deputy General Director and Chief Engineer at "Kirovsky Factory".
In 1987 Semenenko was appointed General Director of a production association. In November, 1992 he was made General Director of JSC "Kirovsky Factory" at the enterprise's constituent assembly.
Under P. Semenenko's leadership, the enterprise's production structure and its stock holders' association's management system were radically reorganized. Dozens of new products for agriculture and road construction were introduced for serial production.
Piotr Semenenko has been awarded the State Prize for achievements in science and technology. He has the title of Accomplished Mechanical Engineer of Russia. Member of St. Petersburg Engineering Academy, member of the Academy of Quality Issues. Acting member of Russia's Academy of Natural Sciences. Vice President of St. Petersburg's Association of Enterprise Owners. Vice President of the Association of Industrial Enterprises of St. Petersburg.
Married, has two children.
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