Bam Viktor Grigorievich
General Director of JSC "Spetsstroy", Accomplished Construction Worker of the Russian Federation.
Born September 22, 1937 in a military serviceman's family in Krachevitsy settlement (Novgorod region). Since 1946 he has been continuously living in St. Petersburg. His parents are native St. Petersburgers.
His father Grigoriy Borisovich Bam, member of the Communist Party since 1918, worked as Secretary of a district party committee before being drafted into the army. He has afterwards served in the aviation. His mother Genya Shlomovna Bam, member of the Communist Party since 1922, worked as a public clerk. Viktor Grigorievich himself was never a member of the Communist Party. His wife Lidia Nikolayevna Bam worked as a rheumatologist in the city's 25th Hospital for a long time. She is currently retired. V.G. Bam has two sons, Grigoriy and Anton.
In 1964 Viktor Grigorievich has graduated from Leningrad Construction Engineering Institute's evening faculty, specializing in automobile roads' construction. He has worked as a mechanic, master, foreman, and chief of a construction sector. In 1990 he was chosen to be the manager of "Spetsstroy" complex, where he has formerly been working as chief engineer and chief of one of the enterprise's linear subdivisions. In 1993, when the enterprise's stocks were sold, V.G. Bam occupied the position of General Director of JSC "Spetsstroy", consisting of five subdivisions.
People who are currently working at "Spetsstroy" have 20 to 30 years of work experience, most of them have spent all these years at this enterprise. These people want to receive their salaries regularly. General Director V.G. Bam believes it is impossible for a General Director who respects himself to continue working when his employees do not receive their salaries on time. A lot of attention at JSC "Spetsstroy" is being payed to construction of housing: over the period of last three years more than 120 apartments in Dolgoye Lake area have been created. The issue of housing is very urgent to St. Petersburgers, it is in many cases as important as the worker's salary, and it must be solved.
Mr. Bam puts all of his energy into his work. He believes that one's attitude towards work is as important as professional qualities. He sometimes envies younger people who have more chances to manifest and develop their talents today than the older generation had. He says that he sometimes lacks patience, he would like to be more tolerable towards others. He does not like people who have no sense of humor. He would like to preserve his own sense of humor for his entire life, because he cannot imagine living without it.
His hobbies include soccer and basketball. He has never taken sick days during his entire 40 years of work and would not like the prospect of having to receive treatment from physicians. His favorite theaters have always been, and still are, the city's Major Drama Theater and Komissarzhevskaya Theater. He has always read a lot, and continues to do so, reading is one of his main ways of spending spare time. V.G. Bam regrets that neither of his sons has followed in his footsteps. Each son chose his own life path. Mr. Bam would want his children to feel themselves on a stable life foundation as soon as possible.
V.G. Bam lives and works in St. Petersburg.
Secretary: Ivanova Irina Vyacheslavovna.
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