JSC Compressor
Joint Stock Company Compressor was founded in 1877 and has a 100-year-long history of developing and producing compressor equipment for the construction of marine and river vessels, and for other industries as well. Considerable experience has been accumulated by the enterprise in the areas of compressor design and production and of related research. The enterprise includes a construction bureau with highly qualified engineering and technical personnel. The enterprise's shops are equipped with newest machinery and software control systems.
Russia's only enterprise working in this area, Compressor has for many years been supplying its products to practically all surface vessels and submarines in the country, those in the process of construction and those already in operation.
Over the past decade, significant work has been done to widen the area of application of compressors. They are currently used in energy production, machine assembly, mining and oil industry, medicine, transportation, food industry and various other technological processes. Compressor is currently offering the following products it has developed:
- Piston air compressors with a driving gear from an electric engine or a built-in diesel designed for 150 to 160 atmospheres of air pressure;
- Air compressors for the launching of diesel engines, for the production of plastic packaging and for various utilities intended for 6, 9, 16, 25, 32, 35, 40, 64, 80 or 150 atmospheres of air pressure;
- Compressors for the production of purified air with the pressure of up to 300 atmospheres, suitable for human breathing and for compression into diver's, firefighter's or rescuer's air containers;
- Gas compressors for the compression and transfusion of natural gas, hydrogen and carbon dioxide at various pressures;
- Aggregates and systems for the drying out and purification of air and natural gas, for the removal of moisture (dew point up to -65 degrees C), of oil (up to 2 x 10-4 mg/l) and of mechanical particles (up to 5 microns).
Our compressors are automated, have local and remote control systems and noise reduction. If necessary, the enterprise is capable of developing new types of compressors and of other equipment.
Compressor's products are used in various regions of Russia and of the CIS, and also in Germany, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Iran, India, China, Korea, Indonesia, Algeria, Libya, Egypt and Cuba.
During the late 1980's Compressor began to realize the complex task of introducing new ecologically safe fuels in transportation. As a result of this work, a new block-and-module gas-filling compressor unit has been created and supplied to 75 gas fuel stations.
Today Compressor is prepared to supply constructed and repaired river and sea vessels, as well as naval ships, with specialized high-pressure compressors and air drying blocks, with low- and medium-pressure compressors and with other machine assembly equipment. Aside from this, Compressor is also capable of supplying other equipment of its own creation such as:
- Gas fuel apparatus intended for the use of liquid oil or compressed natural gas as motor oil in automobile engines;
- Various goods such as imposed exterior door locks, cut-in interior door locks, bench-top metalworker's and carpenter's vices, decorative bath barriers, etc.
Compressor is open to broadened contacts and offers the following types of cooperation:
- Supplies of our products;
- Supplies of parts and accessories;
- Organization of compressor repairs;
- Production based on clients' documentation.
Leonid Grigorievich Kuznetsov is the present-time General Director of JSC Compressor.
For all inquiries write to:
Russia, 194044, St. Petersburg, Large Sampsonievsky Prospect, 64, JSC Compressor.
(7-812) 245-5090 - General Director
(7-812) 245-1790 - Production Department
(7-812) 245-3147 - Chief Constructor
(7-812) 596-3397
E-mail: office@compressor.spb.ru
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