JSC "Consult" Auditing Firm
The auditing firm "Consult" was founded in 1991. It was the first enterprise in Russia to receive a license to carry out auditing services. Our firm puts together the efforts of certified high-qualification specialists having many years of experience working as chief bookkeepers, economists, employees of St. Petersburg's finance boards and lawyers. Many well-known firms from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Leningrad region and other regions of Russia working in the sphere of industrial production, construction, services, trade, public catering and transportation are among our clients.
According to data provided by Expert rating agency in the year 2000, "Consult" occupies the 12th position in St. Petersburg and the 75th position nationwide among Russia's 100 largest auditing and consulting groups ("Izvestia" newspaper, March 22, 2001).
According to the results of the contest conducted by Russian Federation's Ministry of Property Relations and Ministry of Finance, "Consult" auditing firm was included in the list of organizations authorized to audit the financial accountability of federal state unitary enterprises ("Rossiyskaya Gazeta", issue #207, October 26, 2000).
As a part of Harvard University's international workgroup, "Consult" is involved in the creation of a development strategy for the financing of construction savings banks for the Government of Moscow.
"Consult" is a member of the Russian Auditing House, of the Auditing House of St. Petersburg, of St. Petersburg's Association of Joint Enterprises.
The firm has a daughter company, JSC "Consult Advice" legal firm.
The firm's workers write regularly for "Delovoi Peterburg" ("Business St. Petersburg") and "St. Petersburg Entrepreneur" (complement to "Entrepreneur's Consultant") newspapers, in the regional issue of "Economy and Life" newspaper and in other publications dedicated to all issues of economic and taxation legislation.
"Consult" offers a full spectrum of auditing and legal consulting services, including:
- Auditing inspections
- Bookkeeping reports, creation and restoration of bookkeeping records
- Consulting on issues of taxation and bookkeeping
- Taxation optimization
- Disagreements on cases of taxation boards' inspections
- Representation of clients' interests in court
The firm's specialists possess knowledge and experience in preparing financial reports for organizations in accordance with international bookkeeping standards (IAS, GAAP), in installing and supporting Sun Systems bookkeeping software.
The firm's Legal Department offers support to clients defending their interests in St. Petersburg's and Leningrad region's Jury Courts, as well as in the North-Western district's federal district court, on issues of taxation of companies and of economic legislation. The firm's organizational and methodical resources allow it to defend its clients' interests in Jury Courts of Moscow and of the Russian Federation.
The firm's specialists participate regularly in seminars on issues of applying tax and currency legislation, on bookkeeping and on jury practice.
In the course of the firm's activities, over 200 auditing inspections are made annually. Aside from comprehensive inspections, the firm's employees offer systematic oral and written consultations on issues of bookkeeping, taxation, economic and labor legislation, as well as inspections of organizations' financial conditions.
During the year 2000, 38 cases out of 42 have been resolved in favor of our clients.
We invite You to cooperate with us.
Russia's Ministry of Finances license #005635, issued on April 19, 2000.
197198, St. Petersburg, Zverinskaya Street, 44-a, office 52
Tel.: (812) 232-6138, 233-2382, 233-3196
Tel./fax: (812) 233-5015
E-mail: info@consult.spb.ru
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