Trofimov Nikolai Nikolayevich
Born January 21, 1920 in Sevastopol.
Graduated from Leningrad Theater Institute in 1941.
Served in the Navy as soloist of the U.S.S.R. Navy's Central Ensemble during World War II. Later worked as an actor in the Baltic Fleet's Theater.
In 1946 Nikolai Trofimov was invited by N.P. Akimov to become an actor at the famous Comedy Theater. He has played a number of greatly successful roles there.
In 1955 N. Trofimov met theater director G.A. Tovstonogov while rehearsing the main role in a play by Saltykov-Schedrin. This encounter determined the direction of the actor's career from that moment on. In 1964 he came to the Major Drama Theater. Tovstonogov, who had a special gift for demonstrating an actor's talent from an unexpected angle, offered Trofimov to play the sad skeptic Chebutykin in A.P. Chekhov's "Three Sisters" as his debut role. The actor's brilliant gift for comedy shone with glamorous color and a new stage in his creative career began.
While working at the Major Drama Theater N. Trofimov has played over 30 roles in plays by Dostoyevsky, Shakespeare, Gogol, Ostrovsky, A. Miller, and others.
He played in dozens of films, such as "War and Peace", "On the Way to Berlin", "Diamond Arm", and others.
In 1974 N.N. Trofimov was awarded the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. In 1989 he became People's Artist of the U.S.S.R.
Today Nikolai Trofimov, despite his respectable age, is still full of creative energy. He is currently playing a number of new roles, including those in "Uncle Vanya" and "Cherry Orchard" by Chekhov.
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