Gartsman Lazar Efimovich
Native St. Petersburger in several generations. Served as a sailor in the Northern Fleet.
A man with a many-sided personality, Lazar Efimovich graduated from two higher education institutions: Polytechnic Institute and Institute of Culture.
His love for art turned out to be stronger and he became involved in producer's work. He worked in St. Petersburg's Major and Minor Drama Theaters and in various performance organizations. Lazar Efimovich co-operated with such important artistic figures as V. Soloviev-Sedoi, Ya. Khamarmer, E. Padve and L. Dodin. He received tremendous satisfaction from his work, because his area of activity demanded constant self-improvement and remarkable organizational and personal qualities: perseverance, consistency, sensitivity to people's needs. L.E. Gartsman helped many artists and creative teams find themselves and attain popularity and recognition. He created St. Petersburg's "Benefit" Theater. Original plays were staged under his leadership and with his direct participation. A wide range of concerts were conducted and performance tours in Russia and abroad were organized through L.E. Gartsman's efforts.
Since 1998 he has worked as General Director of "St. Petersburg Concert" state philharmonic organization.
Under his direction "St. Petersburg Concert" (one of Russia's largest concert organizations) was revived. A hundred new works are issued each year; the company's work in the fields of philharmonic and popular music is moving forward. The enterprise's financial base is strengthening.
L.E. Gartsman is married. His wife, I.V. Nikulina, is an actress at the city's Minor Drama Theater. His daughters, Sasha and Natasha, work in the area of information technology and management.
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