Filshtinskiy Gleb Veniaminovitch
Light designer.
Was born in 1970 in Leningrad. In 1987 graduated from history and literature school No. 27. In 1981 joined the St. Petersburg Theatre of Youthful Creative Work, since 1987 worked as a teacher of staging. At the same time worked in “Karnaval” concert hall as a scene-shifter. In 1987 entered the Staging Faculty of the St. Petersburg Academy of Dramatic Art, where he studied for 10 years. In 1989 became a teacher of Lighting shop of the Theatre of Youthful Creative work.
1989-1995 - light designer in the Theatre of Youthful Creativity;
1991-1993 - light designer in St. Petersburg Theatre directed by Larisa Malevannaya;
1992-1996 - light designer in the International Studio of Synthetic Theatre “Interstudio”;
In 1993 and 1995 - technical director of the I International Festival of the synthetic theatre KUKART in Tzarskoje Selo;
In 1997 - graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Dramatic Art;
1997 - 1999 light designer in TUZ theatre named after A. A. Bryanzev;
Since 1998 - light designer in Theatre on Liteyny;
Since 1999 - light designer in Big Dramatic Theatre named after G.A. Tovstonogov.
In the whole, during his work as a light designer Gleb Filshtinskiy produced more than 100 performances in different theatres, not only dramatic, but also opera and ballet.
Gleb Filshtinskiy: “It seems I have managed to change the attitude of theatres to our profession”.
Photo Album of Gleb Veniaminovitch Filshtinskiy
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