Birulya Irina Mikhaylovna
Born in 1944, in Leningrad.
In 1968 graduated from the Leningrad State Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinematography. Designed scenery for more than a hundred performances, both in Russia and abroad.
Since 1971 - member of the Union of Russian Artists; since 1972 - member of the International Federation of Artists (IFA).
In 1997 - Grand Prix of the competition and exhibition "A Window to the Netherlands".
Main personal exhibitions:
- 1990 Finland. "The Blue Hall"
- 1991 Indonesia. The first Soviet-Indonesian Art Exhibition
- 1991 Italy. "Padova Fiere"
- 1992 Indonesia. "Taman mini"
- 1995 Denmark. Ertebaelgen Gallery
- 1996 Cyprus. Days of Russian Culture on Cyprus
- 1997 Russia, Moscow. The institute of Art
- 1999 Russia, St. Petersburg. Palitra Gallery
- 2000 USA, Boston. The Centre of European Design
Her works are stored in the following collections:
- · Russia, St. Petersburg: the State Russian Museum; the State Theatrical Museum named after Ostrovsky, etc.
- Russia, Moscow: the State Theatrical Museum named after Bakhrushin; the Parliament Centre.
- Indonesia, Jakarta: the National Gallery.
- Belgium: Europarliament.
- Netherlands: the collection of Prince Oransky; Gallery of L. Zakirowa.
- Cyprus: the Municipal Centre.
- South Korea: Jean Art Gallery.
- USA, Pennsylvania: Buccknell University; The Reading Public Museum; New York: Museum of Contemporary Russian Art.
- Armenia: Gougark.
- Sweden. Terseus Gallery.
- Denmark: Ertebaekgen Gallery.
- Private collections in Japan, USA, Germany, etc.
Photo Album of Birulya Irina Mikhaylovna
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