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Azizjan Marina Tsolakovna

   Theatre and cinema designer.
   Was born on February, 28, 1938. Graduated from the Leningrad State Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinema in 1959. Worked at the Comedy Theatre together with N.P. Akimov. Designed many performances: "Shadow" (Riga, the Theatre of young spectators), "Ours, Only Ours" and "Jelsomino in the Country of Liars" (Leningrad, the Theatre of young spectators), "Hot Heart" (the Drama Theatre named after A.S. Pushkin), "Hottabych, the Old Man" (the Small Opera Theatre), "The Twelfth Night" (Ballet Theatre of Boris Eifmann), "Bohemia" è "The Swan Lake" (the Bolshoi Theatre of Russia), "The Small Princess" (the Theatre named after Komissarzhevskaya). Films: "Cain XVIII", "The Old, Old Fairy Tale", "The young lady and the hooligan", "The Monologue", "The Lucky Man", "Tsarevitch Prosha", "The Blue Bird", "The Nightingale", "Enemies", etc. Marina uses patchwork technique. Personal exhibitions in Anna Ahmatova's Museumn (1994-1999).

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