Romanov Vladimir Aleksandrovich
Director of the State "Sign of Honour" award Research and Engineering Institute for the Development and Operation of the Fisheries (Giprorybflot). Professor, Candidate's Degree in the Technical Sciences.
Born on August 19, 1936 in Monchegorsk of the Murmansk district. Graduated from the Mechanical Engineering Faculty of the Leningrad Shipbuilding Institute. Went through a professional training course in Hannover, Germany. He combines his work as a Director with teaching and research. Performs both theoretical and practical developments, protected by copyright certificates, in the areas of increased resistance to oxidation, durability and reliability of ship parts. Leader and participant of programs for the creation of the
fishery fleet and the development of the industry, including those conducted in the North-Western region of Russia.
V.A. Romanov is a member of the Severo-Zapad Association's Committee on the Fisheries Complex, he is the leader of the Scientific Council for the development of a comprehensive program "to restore and develop the North-Western region by the year 2015".
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