Peshehonov, Vladimir Grigorievich
Director of the Federal State Enterprise "Central Scientific and
Research Institute "Elektropribor" ( The State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation), doctor
of technical science, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Mr. Peshekhonov has been working in the institute since 1958 on the following positions: an engineer, chief engineer, head of the laboratory, head of the sector, head of the department, deputy director of the scientific work (1978-1983), the first deputy director - chief engineer of the Industrial Union "Azimut" and the Central Scientific and Research Institute "Elektropribor" ( 1983-1991 ), director of CSRI "Elektropribor" (1991-1994), director of the State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation "Elektropribor" ( since 1994 till now ).
He is a specialist in the field of navigation. Mr. Peshekhonov is the author of the fundamental works regarding highly precise sea self-contained navigation and navigation-geodetic complexes, radioastrooptical devices of the sea navigation. He substantiated the building principles of three generations of the navigation complexes. Under his leadership the highly precise navigation complexes for the submarines and underwater ships were created. It opened new opportunities for the atomic navigation on the whole area of water of the World Ocean and it is the base for the navigation arming of the submarines and big underwater ships of the Russian Navy Fleet.
Mr. Peshekhonov is the technical supervisor of the test of new navigation complex during long under ice trip of the Atomic Submarine to the North Pole in 1980.
He is the Laureate of the Lenin's premium (1984), the Laureate of the State premium of the Russian Federation (1998) . He is the president of the Academy of navigation and movement control (since 1995).
The factory of electric measuring instruments "Elektropribor" started to work in 1927 in Leningrad. In 1929 the navy unit was created on the factory. Here in the 30-s the first native gyroscope instruments for aviation and fleet were worked out. Under the leadership of the academician A. Krylov the Russian school of gyroscope was created.
In 1966 the institute got the rank "Central Scientific and Research Institute "Elektropribor" as the leading enterprise in the country which was working with the development of highly precise navigation gyroscope complexes and systems.
By the beginning of the 60-s "Elektropribor" worked out and started to produce the navigation complexes for submarines and surface ships. In short terms the problem of highly precise self-contained navigation on the whole water area of the World Ocean, including the region of the North geographical pole, was solved.
At the same time the systems of different ship's arming control were created, including the gyroscope stabilization for aircraft carriers , the movement control systems of the ships, airy pad vessels, ships with underwater blades, the system of orientation of the artificial Earth satellites.
In 1974 the institute became the head enterprise in the new Leningrad scientific and research Association "Azimut", after which reorganization in 1991 the Central Scientific and Research Institute became the independent state enterprise.
In 1994 the Institute was given the status of The State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation.
Today the Scientific and Research Institute "Elektropribor" - is the leading institute in Russia in the field of highly precise navigation, gyroscope.
The full work cycle from the fundamental and search researches till small mass -produced in the different trends are being carried out. These are the following trends:
- sea navigation technologies
- inertial systems, gyroscope instruments and systems of a wide use for sea navigation and stabilization, orientation of the spaceships, ground geodesy, railway control.
- precise electromechanical instruments.
- medical equipment
" Elektropribor" has about 1400 workers,among them 800 people are working in the scientific and research field as well they do experimental and design works. Among these people there are: a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 21 doctors of science and 79 candidates of technical science. The scientists of the institute published more than 150 monographs and analytic surveys , they got more than 3200 author's certificates and patents, they made more 1600 reports on the scientific and technical conferences. In the institute there are the dissertation council, postgraduate course and doctor's department, base precise mechanics and optic department of the St. Petersburg Institute.
"Elektropribor" issues the Russian magazine "The gyroscope and navigation", some monographs and materials for conferences.
The Institute fulfills the works according to the contracts with different foreign companies, supplies the export production to Germany, India, Israel, China, Norway, The Republic of Korea, Finland and Japan.
It regularly takes part in the international exhibitions in Russia and abroad.
On the Annual World Salon of Invention, Scientific researches, "know-how" "Brussels - Evrika" in 1994-1997, on the 25th and 26th international Salon of Invention and new technologies in Geneva ( 1997-1998 ) the exhibits of the Institute got 4 golden, 3 silver, 5 bronze medals and 5 diplomas.
Every year the Institute holds the St. Petersburg international conference regarding integrated navigation systems, where the scientists from the leading companies from many countries take part. Also once or twice a year there are some conferences regarding the gyroscope technologies dedicated to the memory of N. Ostryakov, which unite some engineers and scientists from the CIS countries.
The scientists from the Institute make reports on the conferences in Germany, Holland, Canada, China, and the USA and other countries, also they read lectures at the universities of Germany, China and the South Africa. They are the international advisers in two international magazines. The scientific school of "Elektropribor" in the field of navigation, gyroscope and movement control is acknowledged not only in our country, but also abroad.
Nine workers of the Institute became the Laureate of the Lenin's premium, 40 workers became the Laureates of the State premium of the USSR and 5 workers - the Laureates of the State premium of the Russian Federation.
197046, Russia, St. Petersburg, Malaya Pasadskaya street, 30.
Tel: ( 812) 2325915, 2387801
Fax: ( 812) 2323376
Teletype: 821072 Erbiy
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