Peresypkin Vsevolod Ilich
General director of the Central Naval Scientific Research and Design Institute.
Graduated with honors from the Leningrad Higher Arctic Naval College in 1954.
He is a specialist in the field of hydrography and seafaring safety. Doctor of Technical Sciences (1986). Member of the Russian Transport Academy. (1991). Since 1954 worked at the Hydrography Association of the Naval Ministry (since 1983 - head of the association).
Participated in hydrographic expeditions to the Arctic and other oceans and headed several of them. Contributed to the development of the navigational and hydrographic support of the Northern Sea Path seafaring.
Since 1986 - director of the Central Naval Scientific Research Institute, after the merging of the institute with the Leningrad Central Design and Construction Bureau (1987) and the transformation of the institute into a joint-stock enterprise (1993) - general director of the Central Naval Scientific Research and Design Institute. He participates in research pertaining to the substantiation of the state policy on science and technology, the elaboration of fundamental directions in development of science and technology on sea transportation. Under his supervision the institute had adapted to the modern economic conditions, widened its sphere of activity, rescued the core of its scientific and technological potential, successfully introduced its innovations in the world market and contributed to resolution of many issues of effective and safe seafaring. V. Peresypkin regularly participates in the activities of the International Sea Organization and other international associations. He is the chairman of the Scientific Technological Council, editor-in-chief of the collections of scientific works of the Central Naval Scientific Research and Design Institute.
Laureate of the State Prize in the field of science and technology (1981), Honored Worker of the Transportation Industry of the Russian Federation (1998).
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