The A.N. Krylov Shipbuilding Research Institute (KSRI)
Russia's leading shipbuilding center, the A.N. Krylov Central Shipbuilding Research Institute, traces its history to 1894, when the new Shipbuilding Model Basin of the Maritime Department has been brought into operation. The Institute has more than a century of experience working in the country's shipbuilding industry. Several scientific schools with worldwide recognition have been formed within the Institute. It is a team of dedicated professionals, marked by high work ethics and responsibility.
The Institute has been created as Russia's first scientific research organization specializing in shipbuilding (initially as a Model Basin). Later it has broadened the scope of its tasks based on the demands of fleet construction, turning into a multi-profile scientific center known as the A.N. Krylov Central Scientific Research Institute.
Having begun with practical achievements in the drafting of armored ships of the "Oslyabya" type and the design of Russia's first submarine called "Dolphin" (the work was directed by Senior Deputy Chief of the Towing Tank I.G. Bubnov), the Institute has been the country's main scientific research organization in the area of shipbuilding during the entire century. It has solved important technical problems related to the engineering and building of Navy ships (as well as civil ones), including those completely new to the Russian Navy, such as aircraft carriers and ships with non-traditional power support systems (including the first Russian nuclear submarine), designed under the leadership of one of the department heads, and later Deputy Director in charge of scientific work V.N. Peregudov.
The direct use of the Institute's intellectual potential has allowed the creation of a first-class Navy and one of the world's largest commercial fleets by early 1990's.
The Institute is rightfully proud of its workers, the outstanding scientists academician A.N. Krylov (worked in the Institute in 1900-1907), professor I.G. Bubnov (1900-1914), academician V.L. Pozdyunin (1941-1948), academician Yu.A. Shimansky (1939-1962), academician V.V. Novozhilov (1940-1987) and many others.ll
V.I. Pershin, Yu.V. Krivtsov, G.V. Aseyev, V.F. Bezukladov, N.N. Babayev, A.I. Voznesensky, A.A. Azovtsev, O.P. Demchenko, G.A. Matveyev and other researchers have all done a great deal to make the Institute into the world's largest multi-profile shipbuilding research center it is today.
The A.N. Krylov Shipbuilding Research Institute is Russia's main scientific shipbuilding center, carrying out the design and construction of ships and other marine structures at the level of world standards.
The Institute conducts projects in the areas of shipbuilding analysis, ship engineering and testing, it tests navigation and stirring qualities of ships, ship engines, durability and vibration of ship bodies, the acoustics of transportation means and equipment. It works on the perfection of power devices' characteristics, including nuclear ones, on electromagnetic emissions and processes, on nuclear, radiation and ecological safety.
The Institute outputs:
- results of comprehensive model testing of all types of vessels and other marine technology in all areas;
- testing and measuring techniques and equipment;
- designs of ship engines and stirring devices;
- techniques and devices for noise and vibration reduction, demagnetization, corrosion protection, structure and equipment diagnosis, ecological monitoring;
- standard technical documentation in all major areas of engineering and construction;
- program complexes for engineering and calculations;
- designs and complete samples of complex experimental devices and measurement systems;
- programs and technical support for the creation of ship imitation devices;
- evaluation of ship and marine structures designs;
- conceptual projects of ships and marine structures;
- marine technology development and market analysis;
- promising programs and plans of fleet and shipbuilding development.
The Institute's branch, Central Construction Bureau "Baltsudoproekt" is one of the oldest shipbuilding design organizations in Russia. Over 2,600 military and civil ships with total displacement of about 12 million tons have been built according to this bureau's designs.
"Lot" Scientific Research Institute, another branch of the Institute, is a leading organization of shipbuilding standardization, certification and metrology. It directs the work of the "Shipbuilding" Technical Committee #5 as a part of the Interstate Standardization Council ("Shipbuilding" Interstate Technical Committee #5). It manages a data base of ship accessories and equipment, issues licenses to organizations that develop and produce ship equipment for military purposes.
Over the last 50 years the Institute has:
- tested over 10 thousand ships and other navigation devices;
- evaluated the geometric dimensions of about 7,500 screw propellers and other engines, allowing maximal effectiveness of engine power utilization;
- carried out durability and vibration testings of over 15 thousand seminative and native body
- conducted technical, operational and economic expertises of over 2 thousand projects developed by the industry's construction bureaus, including about 220 submarine design expertises. Ship designs were constantly altered according to the Institute's recommendations, which allowed to substantially raise their cost-effectiveness and ecological safety.
Research carried out by the Institute has made it possible to increase the military effectiveness, secretiveness and submergence speed and depth of submarines, to improve the protection of above-surface ships from modern monitoring devices and weapons, to allow new ships to save more fuel, to lower the amounts of metal materials used, to improve their navigation qualities and make their operation safer. Due to the Institute's efforts it has become possible to confidently engineer and build ships that had never been built in the country before. Among these are submarines equipped with operative cruise missiles, aircraft carriers, large above-surface ships equipped with missiles, large troop drop hoverships, space flight support ships, powerful nuclear icebreaking vessels, bulk-carrier ships with large deck openings, ecologically pure tank trailers, mixed purpose (sea and river) vessels, large fish storage trailers, vessels for the location and examination of solid natural resources sites in the ocean, self-lifting and semi-submerging drilling devices.
In the Institute's portfolio there are designs of ships which may be built both on Russian and foreign dockyards. These include transportation and auxiliary vessels, such as tank trailers, timber carriers, container carriers, universal bulk-carriers, provision ships, passenger and scientific research vessels, ocean lifeguard ships, floating electric power stations, tug-boats of various purposes. These projects provide for high navigation qualities and operational durability of vessels, achieved by the Institute's long experience of fruitful work in the area, resulting in the creation of 160 projects. Among these are unique research vessels like "Cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin" and "Marshall Nedelin", the world's first nuclear power icebreaking seabee carrier "Sevmorput", tank trailers of the "Crimea" type with a dead-weight of 150 thousand tons, ecologically safe tank trailers of the "Victory" ("Pobeda") type with a dead-weight of 68 thousand tons, ocean lifeguards of the "Jaguar" type and others. Projects developed by the Institute are characterized by high technology and durability of body construction, high navigation qualities and propulsive characteristics.
The Institute possesses a unique experimental base allowing it to conduct research in pactically all areas related to marine technology:
- large model basins. Among these is the world's largest basin with four tugging carts, a navigation basin with unregular wave and wind imitation, a circulation basin with a diameter of 70 meters, an ice basin, etc.;
- cavitational and hydrodynamic tubes for the testing of screw propeller models and outboard systems;
- aerodynamic tubes, including a low-noise tube;
- testing machines for the examination of shipbuilding materials' and body design durability. The most powerful among these is capable of exerting a force equivalent of 3,000 tons;
- a ship-house for resource and static testings of 3-dimensional, native and large-scale constructions with a total capacity of up to 15,000 tons;
- dock facilities for testing under-surface ship bodies, imitating submergence to any depth of the ocean;
- a stand with a high-pressure explosion room for testing structures and products that operate under hydraulic pressure and are succeptible to dynamic stress.;
- hydroacoustic basin, electrolythic and stratified basins for the examination of physical fields;
- exploratory reactor, critical assemblies and radiation stands;
- numerous stands for vibrational, acoustic, electromagnetic and other testings.
The Institute's highly qualified experts participate in practically all shipbuilding projects carried out in Russia. 3,200 workers are employed by the Institute. Among these there are 70 Doctors of technical sciences, physics and mathematics, around half of them having a professor's title, and over 350 Candidates of science. The Institute's graduate and doctoral studies programs prepare specialists of the highest qualification .
The Institute has state accreditation in accordance with the Federal law "On science and the state's science and technology policy". It is a member of highly authoritative international shipbuilding organizations, such as:
- the International Towing Tank Conference (ITTC);
- the International Ship and Offshore Structure Congress;
- the International Maritime Organization (IMO);
- the International Institute of Noise Control Engineering (IINCE).
The Institute partcipates in nearly all major international exhibitions, conferences and seminars. Over the past years the Institute has organized seven international conferences, which have attracted a strong interest among Russian and foreign shipbuilders and representatives of other industries related to marine technology. Among these conferences are:
- the International Shipbuilding Conference (ISC), (1994, 1998);
- "Navy and Shipbuilding Nowadays" (NSN), (1996);
- "Russian Arctic Offshore" (RAO), (1997, 1999);
- the International Conference on Development and Commercial Utilisation of Technologies in Polar Regions (POLARTECH), (1996);
- "Shipbuilding, Shipping, Port Activities and Offshore Technology" (NEVA), (1999).
A a multi-profile scientific center, the Institute actively uses the potential it has developed in areas unrelated to shipbuilding. The Institute's scientific and technological developments have been introduced by the city's water supply plants. A unique device for the control of the current tension status of various apparatus has been created. Developments in the area of energy saving techniques for large city buildings were made. A program for creating ecologically pure extra safety underground atomic electric power and heating stations and a system of explosive material detection have also been developed by the Institute. It has carried out projects in the creation of highly effective wind engines, an echo locator for the blind and an ultrasound device for the processing of extra-hard materials. The Institute participates actively in the creation of the "Falcon" high-speed train. At the present time the workers of the Central Scientific Research Institute are participating in the construction of a modern streetcar model, they are attempting the design of 21st century cars.
Among the Institute's long-term clients are the Russian Federation's Ministry of Science and Technologies, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Defense, the Russian Shipbuilding Agency. The Institute is a partner of a number of well-known companies, such as "Rosshelf" Company, RAO "Gazprom", Lukoil, RAO "High-speed Roads", Exxon, Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd., Brown & Root, Huyndai Heavy Industries Co. Ltd. and others.
The A.N. Krylov Central Scientific Research Institute is open to mutually advantageous co-operation with all interested firms and enterprises, both in Russia and abroad.
The Institute's full English name is the A.N. Krylov Shipbuilding Research Institute (KSRI).
Mailing address:
196158, St. Petersburg, Moskovskoye Shosse (Moscow Highway), 44
Telephone: (7-812) 123-66-06; fax: (7-812) 127-96-32
e-mail: albert@krylov.spb.su; ksri@pop3.rcom.ru
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