Ivashintsov Dmitry Alexandrovich
Born November 24 1944 in Leningrad.
Director general of public corporation "Vedeneev Russian Science Research Institute of Hydrotechny".
Kalinin Politechnical College in Leningrad, 1967, hydroelectric plants. Doctor of technical science, professor of St. Petersburg State Technical University, 74 published works, 14 inventions.
He has worked in Vedeneev Russian Science Research Institute of Hydrotechny since 1967.
Engineer, senior engineer, group manager, associate science officer, senior science officer, head of a laboratory, sector manager, branch manager, director of " Engineering center of RSRIH", since 1992 - director general.
Majors in problems of hydraulics of hydroelectric power stations hydromechanical equipment and of social, demographic and ecological risks of hydroenergetics.
Acting member of Russian Engineering Academy, Waterworks Academy of Russian Federation, International Academy of Science, Ecology and Vital Functions Safety, Russian Academy of Natural Science, member of interdepartmental commission on seismic risk zoning and earthquake-proof building of Russian State Building and Architecture Committee, the head of Russian national committee of International association of hydrolicians, member of Russian national committee's office of international commission on big dams, member of scientific and technical council of Russian Joint-Stock Company "Power Grids of Russia", scientific adviser of branch-wise scientific and technical program " New technique and technologies in hydroenergetics", vice-president of "Science Heads Guild", chairman of "North-West science heads guild" board, vice-chairman of Coordinating board of St. Petersburg's public Academies and scientific public organizations, co-chairman - coordinator of "Russian Culture" international association.
Awarded with: breastplates "Inventor of USSR", "Honoured worker of Ministry of fuel energy of Russia", "Honoured worker of "Power Grids of Russia", "Honorary power engineering specialist"; medals "Labor veteran", "For labor merit", "For valiant work"; "Order of friendship".
Main scientific works:
1. Analysis and estimation of development of emergency conditions at engineer sites. Public corporation "Vedeneev RSRIH". St. Petersburg, 2000.
2. Ecological, social and demographic problems of hydroresources power use.
3. Methods of optimization of technical decisions in hydroenergetics taking into account social safety. Proceedings of the "Vedeneev RSRIH". 1997. Vol. 230.
Married, wife Ivashintsova Alla Anatolievna - designer, sons Dmitry - painter, Alexander - student.
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