Gorynin Igor Vasilyevich
Full Member of the Academy of
the Russian Academy of Sience.
Head of the Central Scientific Institute of Constructional Materials 'Prometey'.
Borh March 10,1920 in Leningrad.
Graduated in ' Metal Technology and Metal-Work' from the Leningrad Kalinin Polytechnical Institute.
From 1949 he worked as an engineer and then as a researcher and as Chief engineer at the Scientific
Institute "Prometey". Has, sience1977, been its Head.
In 1957 he defended his dissertation on the research of influence of plastic deformation
on the fragility of steel.
In 1967 he defended his doctoral dissertation on the research of materials for nuclear reactors with different heat carriers.
In 1979 became an Associate Member of the USSR Academy of Science.
Full Member of the USSR Academy of Science since 1984.
Member of the Physical- Chemistry and Technology of Inorganic Materials Department Forming
part of the Russian Academy of Science.
Honourary Member of the Russian Engineering Academy and St.-Petersburg Engineering Academy.
President of the Russian Metal Technology Society.
Chairman of the Russian National Welding Council.
Member of the Scientific-Technological Council of the Russian State Scientific Project "New Materials".
Chairman Member of the Communist Party (the CPSU) from 1951 to 1991.
People's Deputy of the USSR Scientific and Engineering Societies (1989- 1991).
Awarded the Orders of the Red Banner of Labour (1959, 1970), the Lenin Order (1981), The
Order of the October Revolution (1986).
Winner of the Lenin Prize (1963), the USSR State Prize (1974), the Amosov Prize of the
USSR Academy of Science (1991), and the Russian State Prize (1994).
Married with son.
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