Golubev Anatoly Nikolayevich
Director of the Leningrad Industrial Science Research Communications Institute (LISRCI).
Born on June 17, 1937. Graduated from the Leningrad Electrotechnical Communications Institute named after M.A. Bonch-Bruevich in 1960. Began his working career in the Radio Industry Ministry's "Remote Connection" research and production association. Starting as an engineer at "Remote Connection", A.N. Golubev proceeded to the post of Deputy General Director in charge of research. Defended his Candidate's of Technical Sciences thesis in 1982.
In 1985 A.N. Golubev has headed the Russian Federation's Communications and Information Technology Ministry's Leningrad Industrial Science Research Communications Institute. Works to increase the team's performance by perfecting the institute's structure, by concentrating the energy on promising directions of work, by the use of computer technology and by active introduction of a modern element base and of schematic solutions have been conducted under A.N. Golubev's leadership.
A.N. Golubev was one of the founders of the country's emerging digital communications technology. He has been the Chief Constructor of Russia's first large-series digital transfer system (IKM-30) and of its first digital commutation system (ATSC-90).
A.N. Golubev successfully combines his administrative work with research. He is the author of 2 books, 30 research articles and 2 author's invention affidavits.
A number of Doctoral and Candidate's theses have been written under his direction. LISRCI became a center for seminars on advanced communication technology issues, including seminars on telecommunications traffic that have received international recognition.
A.N. Golubev has been awarded "Master of Communications" and "Accomplished Communications Worker of the Russian Federation" titles, two medals of the National Economic Accomplishments Exhibition, the Order of International Friendship, he received the honorary Academician's title at the International Academy of Communications (IAC).
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