Yagya Vatanyar Saidovich
Electorial district # 32.
Member of coordination group on budget and finances, member of the Permanent Commission on social issues.
Born September 18, 1938 in Leningrad. Graduated from Leningrad State University's Eastern Faculty. Studied in the University of Addis-Abeba, Ethiopia.
Worked as junior researcher and professor at Leningrad State University, as senior lecturer and professor at Leningrad State Pedagogical Institute (named after A.I. Herzen), as department Chief at Leningrad Institute of Trade (named after F. Engels).
Elected deputy of Leningrad City Council of people's deputies in 1990. Member of the Council's Presidium and Chairman of the Commission on international affairs and external trade in 1990-91.
Chief Councillor of St. Petersburg's Mayor and Government Chairman in 1991-96.
Head of St. Petersburg University's Department of World Politics since 1994.
Doctor of History, professor. Author of over 200 research works, of 10 monographs.
Member of the Presidium of St. Petersburg's Trade and Industry House.
Member of "Patriots of St. Petersburg" faction.
Married, father of two children.
Tel. (7-812) 319-9410
E-mail: VYagia@assembly.spb.ru
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