Usanov Boris Pavlovich
Born in 1934 in Leningrad. Graduated from a prestigious secondary school that Vladimir Putin has later attended.
B.P. Usanov has lived in Leningrad throughout the World War II blockade. He received his higher education at the Leningrad Institute of Engineering and Construction, majoring in architecture. As a student, he participated in athletic activities. After graduation he has been building the Norilsk Mining Complex, the Kirishi Oil Refinement Plant and the Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydro-electric Power Plant.
Usanov has later worked at various Communist Party positions. He was one of the leaders of the Leningrad City Committee of the Party. Later he has headed the Lenmorzaschita Board, dealing with the construction of protective facilities. B.P. Usanov is a Candidate of the technical sciences. He is a professor of the St. Petersburg State University of Architecture and Construction, a member (academician) of the St. Petersburg Engineering Academy and of Russia's Academy of Transportation. Accomplished Construction Worker of Russia, awarded the Red Banner of Labour and October Revolution orders and many medals. One of the last medals was received for the restoration of the Throne Hall of Queen Catherine's Palace, where he has acted as Chairman of a state commission. He has been elected a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation, of city and district councils.
Mr. Usanov is married. His spouse is a history teacher. His two sons are named Yuri and Vladimir. The elder one is a constuction worker, the younger one a recent graduate of the Makarov school. His grandson Matthew is four years old, his granddaughter Vasilisa is five months old. Boris Pavlovich lives in a five-room apartment with his family members, a white Swiss dog named Petrovich and a black cat called Timofeyevna. He has been hand-building the second storey of his country residence in Krasnitsy for several years. He has been driving since 1970, his current car being a Ford Escort. Mr. Usanov is fond of theatre and ballet, he is a serious painter, graphic artist and writer. He enjoys smoking his favourite sorts of tobacco in a pipe.
B.P. Usanov is in charge of the St. Petersburg transportation complex, including the Major Port; of objects of transportation infrastructure pertaining to the Russian section of the International Transportation Corridor #9; of the Circular Auto Pathway; of new technological complexes in the Neva delta; of the creation of the analytical information centre of transport logistics. At the present time he is a councillor to the Chairman of St. Petersburg's administration's Committee on Economics and Industrial Policy. Mr. Usanov is a laureate of the 1999 international "Man of the Year in Transportation" contest.
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