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Prokhorenko Alexandr Vladimirovich

Vice-governor of St. Petersburg - Chairman of the External Affairs Committee

A.V. Prokhorenko was born on October 19, 1945, in Leningrad.

In 1975 he graduated from the Zhdanov Leningrad State University majoring in "The Finnish Language and Literature".

During 1964-1967 A.V. Prokhorenko served in the USSR Army.

1967-1968 -- engineer of the calculations center of the Zhdanov Leningrad State University.

1970-1976 -- work as deputy secretary of the Vasileostrovskyi regional Committee of Komsomol and as secretary of the Zhdanov Leningrad State University.

1976-1988 -- work as senior teacher of history of modern times at the Department of history of the Zhdanov Leningrad State University.

1980-1983 -- work as the second secretary of the USSR Embassy in the Republic of Finland and as the Director of the House of Soviet Culture and Science in the city of Helsinki.

1988-1999 -- head of the External Affairs Administration - deputy of principal secretary on International Ties of presidium of the Leningrad scientific center of the Russian Academy of Science.

For the period of 1994-1998 Aleksandr Vladimirovich was the deputy of the St. Petersburg Legislative Assembly of the First Convocation.

Since 1999 A. V. Prokhorenko has been the first deputy of the head of the Chancellery of the St. Petersburg Administration and the governor's representative in the St. Petersburg's Legislative Assembly.

Alexandr Vladimirovich Prokhorenko is Ph.D. in philosophy. He attained fluency both in Finnish and English languages.

A.V. Prokhorenko was awarded the Order of People's Friendship and medal "Twenty Years of Victory in Great Civil War"; he has wife and daughter.

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