Krotov Victor Yurievich
First vice-governor of St. Petersburg, head of the Department of Finance.
Born in Leningrad in 1957. Graduated from Leningrad Electrotechnical College as a specialist in electrical engineering. In 1996 he had completed Higher Education Courses at St. Petersburg University of Economy and Finances, and has received Masters degree in Economical Sciences. During his life he held various positions at a number of major optical and electrical enterprises of St. Petersburg. In 1993 -1996 he worked as the head manager of the municipal branch of the joint-stock commercial bank "Petrovskii" and the general director of the "Municipal'nii" center. Beginning 1996 he held a position of the first deputy manager of St. Petersburg Committee of Finances, and in January of 1999 he became the Committee's president. Two years ago V. Y. Krotov supervised the formation of the city treasury, which responded to the demands of introduction and realization of the city's federal budget. Introduction of the treasury brought about an opportunity to clearly and efficiently track compliance with the outlined budget as well as to increase the turnover of capital, which allows a more effective execution of the budget, acquisition of auxiliary revenues, prevents improper usage of the budget assets. Currently the treasury system of budget execution is recognized at the highest federal level, and Victor Krotov is the one who can take much credit for it.
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