Zimina Maria Aleksandrovna
Born June 16, 1973 in Minsk. Graduated from Glinka School of Music in Minsk, specializing in folk vocal performance.
Worked as soloist in "Beseda" folk music ensemble since 1991.
In 1993 Maria Zimina performed for the first time in a popular music contest ("Molodichno-93" song and poetry contest). Since that time her career of a pop singer has begun.
In 1997 Maria moved to St. Petersburg and soon began working for Peterburgconcert organization.
In 1999 she took the 2nd prize in a contest of St. Petersburg's performance artists.
Since 2000 she has been performing with "Marusya" trio (guitar, violin, vocals) at St. Petersburg's various concert stages. Russian and Belorussian folk songs, romances, chansons and retro compositions are all in Maria Zimina's repertory. In her solo programs Maria performs songs with music written by popular St. Petersburg composers (Yakov Dubravin, Pavel Elster, and others).
In 2001 the singer debuted as a drama actress in a musical based on N. Denisov's play "Scandal in Show Business".
Married, has 2 daughters.
Maria Zimina's photo album.
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