Moskvin Vladimir Evgenievich
Born on April 2, 1934 in Stalinsk (today's Novokuznetsk), Kemerovo region.
Since 1952 had been living in Leningrad. Died on August 5, 1999.
In 1985 graduated from Leningrad Military and Mechanical Institute.
Played seven stringed guitar. Began to compose songs in 1955. Composed more than 300 songs to his own lyrics. He composed more than 400 songs to the verses of Russian poets of XVII-XX centures: M. Lomonosov, V. Trediakovsky, A. Sumarokov, M. Kheraskov, G. Derzhavin, A. Delvig, V. Benediktov, D. Davydov, I. Severianin, G. Gamper, D. Kharms, etc.
Vladimir Moskvin himself did not participate in any festivals or contests, but his songs performed by other people were marked. Was a member of Saint-Petersburg songs club.
In the end of 80-s was seriously engaged by history and literature of Russia of XVIII century. He began to participate in seminars devoted to science and culture of XVIII century Russia in Pushkin's House (Institute of Russian Literature) and in M.V. Lomonosov's Museum. Was one of the founders of "Ode" society in Derzhavin's House. Participated in many radio and TV broadcasts, devoted to bard's songs and Russian poetry.
In the end of 80-s V. Vorobjev staged V.Moskvin's unpublished story "Grape Fruit or one pirate's history" on the Leningrad TV.
Since 1983 took part in work of Humour and Satire Club under the leadership of Ilya Butman. In 80 - 90-s wrote satirical verses published in newspapers and magazines of Saint Petersburg and other cities. The record "Wise and mad century" was released by "Melody" firm in 1990 (Leningrad). Audiocassettes "The country inside out" (autumn, 1999), "You'll remember me... " (romances and songs to verses of Russian poets of XVIII - XX centuries, 2000) and "Abyss of passion" (Songs to N.M.Olejnikov's verses, 2001).
The book "The country inside out" (Saint-Petersburg, 2000). Many verses of V. Moskvin were published also in books " From a camp-fire to a microphone " (Saint-Petersburg, 1996), "Petersburg chord " (Saint-Petersburg, 2000), "Non-existent poets" (Saint-Petersburg, 2000).
Today one can hear Vladimir Moskvin's songs at concerts, on radio and TV performed by Ivan Moskvin, his son.
(The material was prepared by A. Levitan and M. Serebrovskaia)
The portrait - photo by F. Lurje (Saint-Peterburg)
V.E. Moskvin's photo-album
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