Zhukova Maria Vadimovna
Born in Leningrad on January 6, 1965.
Studied at Leningrad State University's Philological Faculty (Department of English Language and Literature) in 1982-1988. Specialization: Germanic languages.
Since August 1988 she has been working as a teaching methodologist at the U.S.S.R. Electric Energy Ministry's Institute of Continued Education for administrative workers and specialists.
Since 1990 she has been a typist at the U.S.S.R. Goskominturist Higher Commercial School.
Since 1992 she has been a translator at a small enterprise known as "Ekskurs".
Since 1994 she has been a translator at "Selena" commercial firm.
Since 1996 she has worked as an educator in "Children's Psychiatry" rehabilitation treatment center.
M.V. Zhukova has published a total of 31 translations, 23 novels, 5 short stories and 1essay. Her first translation of "Dan Rodelo" by Louis L'Amour was printed in 1993 (Lenizdat publishers). M.V. Zhukova is the author of over 30 literary translations from English. Her translations have been published in "Neva" magazine, "Literary St. Petersburg" newspaper and various publishing houses.
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