Shepovalova Evgeniya Viktorovna
Director, the St. Petersburg State Library for the Blind.
Born on March 16, 1949, in Kaluzhskaya Oblast. Graduated from the Leningrad State Institute of Culture named after N.K. Krupskaya in 1974. Her library career began from working as a methodologist of the I Children's Library of the Centralised Library System of Nevsky District.
Since 1979 - Head of the sector, then - Head of a subsidiary, and finally - Deputy Director of Work with Children, the Centralised Library System of Nevsky District.
In 1984 became Chairman of the United Committee of the State Public Libraries Trade Union.
Since 1987 and until now - Director of the St. Petersburg State Library for the Blind.
Being a creative and purposeful personality, a real enthusiast of her activity, Shepovalova has turned the library into an institution of regional and international importance. The library has become the Centre of North-West Libraries Cooperation and holds largest international conferences.
A member of the managing committee of the St. Petersburg Library Society; Chairman of the Revision Committee, the Russian Library Association; a member of the permanent committee, the section of libraries for the blind, IFLA.
A member of the council of experts, the Institute "Open Society" of the Soros Fund in Russia.
An honoured cultural worker of the Russian Federation, a laureate of the annual Award of the St. Petersburg Government in the field of literature, art and architecture (2001).
Married. Her husband, Shepovalov Vadim Mikhaylovich, is a composer. Has a son.
Being fond of music and theatre, Shepovalova is a frequent visitor of St. Petersburg's concert and theatre halls.
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