Odar-Boyarskaya Kira Nikolaevna
Director, the Scientific Library of the Russian Academy of Arts.
Born on December 1922, in Petrograd. Finished school in June 1941. During the blockade of Leningrad stayed in the city for the whole 900 days, worked in a drugstore as a pharmacist and studied, first in the Pedagogic Institute named after A.I. Gertsen and then on the Historical Faculty of the Leningrad State University. In 1948, having graduated from the University, began working in the Library of the Academy of Science, in the department of funds and service.
Several years lived in Sevastopol because of her husband's service. Worked as a lecturer.
On returning to St. Petersburg (1960) worked in the Scientific Library of the Academy of Arts, since 1971 has been heading this famous library. Being a director, Odar-Boyarskaya made a well-known scientific centre out of one of the oldest St. Petersburg's scientific libraries.
In 1970-1980 directed the section of St. Petersburg's art libraries, which was corroborating with the libraries of the Hermitage, the Russian Museum, the Public Library.
The author and compiler of scientific and bibliographic works, an editor of catalogues and directories issued by the library.
Awarded with the "Sign of Honour", an honoured cultural worker of Russia.
A bright and extraordinary personality, much respected and loved by her colleagues.
Has a son and a daughter.
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