Leonov Valeriy Pavlovich
Director, the Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Born on October 20, 1942, in Kazakhstan.
Graduated from the Library Faculty of the Leningrad State Institute of Culture named after N.K. Krupskaya in 1969. Worked on probation in the Maryland University (the USA). For 17 years was working in the Institute of Culture. Since 1988 - Director of the Library of the Russian Academy of Science.
His professional interests include library science, bibliography science, bibliology, information science. The author of more than 150 scientific works, including books ("Reviewing and Abstracting of Scientific and Technical Literature", "Library and Bibliographic Processes in the System of Scientific Communication", etc).
Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. A full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. A member of the St. Petersburg Presidium of the Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Science, a member of editorial boards of the journals "The Bibliography" and "Scientific and Technical Libraries".
An honoured cultural worker of the Russian Federation (2000).
The Library of the Russian Academy of Sciences - http://www.csa.ru/BAN.
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