Konyaev Nikolai Mikhailovich
Born in 1949 in Vosnesenie settlement on the bank of Onega Lake.
Graduated from the A.M. Gorky Literary Institute under the U.S.S.R. Writers' Association.
Worked as a welder, as a truck loader, as a journalist in a large-circulation newspaper, as an editor at "Belarusfilm" movie studio and at "Soviet Writer" publishing house (1984-1986), was in charge of the prose section in "Neva" journal (1986-1988).
His first short story was published in "Young Leningrad" almanach in 1974.
N.M. Konyaev participated in the Seventh National Council of Young Writers in 1979. He was a delegate of the Sixth Congress of Russian Federation's Writers' Association, of the Eighth and Ninth Congresses of Russia's Writers, of the Second and Third Congresses of the International Commonwealth of Writers' Associations.
His works have been translated into English, German and French.
His novels and short stories have been marked by the Vasily Shukshin Prize, by the Andrei Platonov Prize, by the Prize of the National Council of Professional Unions, by two annual awards of "Our Contemporary" magazine, two awards of "Young Guard" magazine, awards of "The North" and "Student Meridian" magazines, by "Russian Novel" Prize.
Corresponding member of the International Slavic Academy.
Chairman of the International Orthodox Association of St. Petersburg writers. Secretary of Russia's Writers' Association. Member of editorial councils of "21st Century Novel Magazine", "Image" and "Prose" magazines, of "Literary Russia" and "Literary St. Petersburg" newspapers, of the "Russian Renaissance" server.
Major books:
SUCH A WIND. Collection of short stories, "Young Guard" ("Molodaya Gvardiya") publishers, Moscow, 1980.
THE LAND THAT REMEMBERS ALL. Short stories. Leningrad. "Soviet Writer", 1982.
FIRST LESSONS. Short stories. Minsk. "Mastatskaya Literatura", 1982.
YERMAK HAS SENT A MESSAGE. Novel, short stories. Moscow. "Young Guard" magazine's literary collection, 1984. The novel has been marked by the magazine's annual award.
UNDISCOVERED TREASURES. Short stories. Leningrad. "Soviet Writer", 1987.
TALES OF LAND-TRAVELLERS. Leningrad. "Children's Literature", 1987.
LONG DAYS OF SUMMER. Novel, short stories. Leningrad. "Lenizdat", 1988.
BY THE QUIET WATER. Novels and short stories. Moscow. "Contemporary", 1989.
SUBURB. Two novels and a short story. Leningrad. "Soviet Writer", 1990. The book has been awarded the Russian Writers' Association's Vasily Shukshin Prize.
LUSYA LAMPOCHKINA. Short stories. Leningrad. "Children's Literature", 1990.
A TRAVELLER BY THE FIELDSIDE. A book about the life, the death, and the immortality of Nikolai Rubtsov. Awarded the annual prizes of "The North" magazine and of Nordinvestbank. The novel has been re-published by "Novel Newsletter" ("Roman-Gazeta") (1994 ), by "Ellis Luck" publishers (Moscow, 1997), by OOO IKC "Skaz" (1996), by "Eksmo-Press" (1999, 2000).
MARTIANS. Novels and short stories. Moscow. "Young Guard", 1991.
GAVDAREIA. Chronicle novel. "Our contemporary", issues 6-8, 1991. The novel has been awarded the magazine's annual prize.
STALIN'S FATAL MISTAKE. Satirical stories. Moscow. "Talitsy", 1992.
UNSUCCESSFUL ESCAPE. Novel. "Podyem", issues 8-9, 1993.
MURDER ON EASTER NIGHT. "Young Guard", issue 9, 1993.
SAINT STEPHEN OF PERM. St. Petersburg. "Lyceum", 1993.
ON THE EVE OR UNFORGOTTEN DREAMS. Novel. "Continent", issue 75.
RUSSIAN EMPERORS' TOYS. Historical essays. "Podyem", issue 6, 1994.
VLASOV BEFORE VLASOV. Documentary novel. "Aurora", issue 7, 1995.
THE NEW VANDEIA OF LADOGA. Documentary novel. "The New Journal", issue 3, 1995.
CAPITAL OF OUR WORLD. Novel. "Bezhin Lug", issue 5, 1995.
A FLIGHT TO JUPITER. Novel. "The Moscow Messenger", issue 1, 1996.
LAST DAYS. Novel. "Bezhin Lug", issue 5, 1996.
LOST HOMELAND. Novel. "The North", issues 5-6, 1996.
THE RUSSIAN CHRONOGRAPH. "Encounter" magazine, issues 6-12, 1996; 1-12, 1997-2000.
A HUNT IN THE OLD NEIGHBORHOODS. Collection of short stories. Moscow. "Voice", 1996.
THE SAINTS OF SVIR (in cooperation with Marina Konyaeva). St. Petersburg, "Duma", 1997.
LETTERS FROM THE OTHER WORLD. Novel. "Podyem", issues 8-11, 1997.
THE WILD GEESE. Tales for children. (In cooperation with the priest Alexei Moroz). St. Petersburg, 1998. STORIES OF VALENTIN PIKUL. Kronstadt. 1998.
THE ANGEL OF HOMELAND. Novel. "Our Contemporary", issue 12, 1997. "Phoenix" book publishers, Rostov-na-Donu, 1998.
BURIED AND BURNED. Historical novel. "Nizhni Novgorod", issues 7,8,10, 1997. "Fire of Avvakum" book publishers, "Terra", 1998.
THE GREAT NORTHERN REVISION. Historical novel, "Podyem", issues 5, 7, 8, 1999, the book version has been published by "Terra".
HUMANS AGAINST NON-HUMANS. Documentary novels. Moscow. Military Publishers, 1999. "Rare Book" series.
CLOTHED IN AN ARMOR OF LIGHT. Documentary novel, "Young Guard" magazine, issues 9-12, 2000.
A REMOTE PARISH. Collection of short stories. St. Petersburg. "Dioptra". "Russian Spiritual Prose" series.
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