Chalova Zoya Vasiljevna
Director, the Central City Public Library named after V.V. Mayakovsky.
Born on April 25, 1940. Her labour activity began from working as the head of a rural library.
In 1964 graduated from the Institute of Culture named after N.K. Krupskaya. In 1975 was invited to work in the Culture committee, where she co-ordinated activities of city public libraries during 10 years. Since 1987 has been heading one of the most large public libraries, the number of readers of which exceeds one hundred thousand people. Due to Chalova's great efforts, the library has acquired a new building to develop a foreign department, she promoted some target programs, which are executed with investors' help. A unique language laboratory "Prism" has been opened in the library, as well as a specialised reading room for working with CD-ROMs, a room with satellite broadcasting, the Business Information Centre. A free Internet-class is also available for readers. The Legal Information Centre was opened in the course of Soros Fund project realization. The library is the city's centre of international information. The British Council, the American centre, the Goethe Institute, the Memorial Library of Prince G.V. Golitsin work within the library's precincts.
The library is a member of one of the oldest international library associations IFLA, a member of the library section of the Baltic Cities Associations.
Chalova initiated Petersburg's library forums with giving the Dashkova Award for contribution into libraries' work.
An honoured cultural worker of the Russian Federation.
President of St. Petersburg's Library Association
Married, has a daughter and a grandson.
A passionate reader, is fond of growing flowers in the country and tries to do it professionally.
The Central City Public Library named after V.V. Mayakovsky -
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