Vasiliev, Alexey Feodorovich
General Director of the joint-stock company the "Oktyabrskiy Elektrovagonniy Zavod".
He was born in September 13th , 1937 in Pskov region in the peasant family. Mr. Vasiliev started his professional education at the Railway technical college which he graduated with honors in 1956. After that he was sent to continue his studying to the Leningrad Institute of railway transport engineers, which he also graduated with honors in 1961. Since 1961 he had been working at the " Oktyabrskiy Elektrovagonniy Zavod" as an engineer - designer, a deputy chief technologist. Since 1978 he worked as the director of the factory. And in 1992 he became the General Director of the public company " Oktyabrskiy Elektrovagonniy Zavod". The factory has more than 170 years of history of its foundation. In all times it has been an initiator of everything new and leading in development of native ( Russian ) railway transport. The factory was built in 1826 in the former outskirts of St. Petersburg, and now it is situated nearly in the city centre of the expanded Northern capital. Today the joint - stock company "Oktyabrskiy Elektrovagonniy Zavod" in St. Petersburg is the main industrial base of the North - West of Russia, which provides major repairs for railroads and modernization of passenger cars for official trains in Russian and International communications. This is also the base for repairs and modernization for electric trains of suburban communications. It has a big variety of services in production of spare parts for the cars and electric trains.
"Oktyabrskiy Elektrovagonniy Zavod" is able to fulfill the unique works according to special requirements of customers (business class cars, parlor cars, special technical cars ).
The factory expands the production of railway output for export, first of all - wheel pairs for speed movement and also with reduction drive. It became possible thanks to factory`s skilled and experienced personnel.
The developed woodworking industry gives wide oppotrunities to produce different decorating materials and furniture. The factory location provides very convinient outlets to the railway and vehicle highways. Also the factory has 25 km of its own railways and the area of 40 hectares, that give some additional opportunities to develop. In 1992 the State form of management of the factory was changed into the public company and it means absolutely new historical change in the railway transport factory`s destiny.
The Board of Directors confirmed their striving to develop their own base and capacity to supply Russian railways with modern passenger rolling stock on the basis of longlasting working cooperation with MPS and other customers. The company`s strategy aims at effectively use of its own investments to create a great capacity in new passenger cars production in collaboration with Ministry of Railroad Communications of The Russian Federation, The Oktyabrskaya Railway. The factory personnel is quite sure in success of this policy. The Board of Directors suggests that collaboration with the worldwide well - known transport company " Bombardir" is of great importance. This company is considered to be a main stockholder of the joint - stock company - 20%.
The number of serious joint researches were held about investment terms in the industrial base development till 2005, based on the Federal program of the railway transport development and to master production of passenger cars of new generation for official long distance trains and for suburban communications. In 1996-98 the works on production of the unique cartographic train of 16 cars for the Ministry of Defence were finished. This work was introduced at the State Premium, named after Zhukov.
After modernization of the 1st speed electric train ER -200 (1) the exploitation of two electric trains on the distance - St. Petersburg - Moscow was provided. And it helped to avoid problems to provide businessmen by short - term trips between two capitals.
The factory has some priority orders for 1999. First of all, that is about production of electric trains with improved design and comfortable conditions for passengers going directly to Novgorod, Vyborg and other stations temote from St. Petersburg. Also there are some orders by Oktyaborskaya Railway to do repairings of the last trains, such as "Krasnaya strela", " Aurora".
The Board of Directors suggests that under conditions of economical and financial crisis it is necessary to create a competitive base to expand the market of goods and services for Russia and The CIS in short terms and to provide the outlet to export deliveries.
Mr. Vasiliev has been at the head of the factory for 20 years and he believes that all leading technical ideas will be dommed without taking care of his workers, stockholders including retired people. The questions concerning obligations to pay salaries in time, social support are of main importance. The significant means are spent to suport preschool, medical, sport institutions and also to support payments to labor veterans for their good work at the factory for many years. Mr. Vasiliev is a supporter of different reforms based on traditions, experience and personnel. He thinks that they need exact and consecuitive steps to adapt the past for the conditions of the present economics and forecasts for the future. It is possible and compulsory at the same time to build new buildings not destroying their foundation.
Mr. Vasiliev connects his long work at the factory with his family where he always finds support and calming. His wife - Tamara Sergeevna - is a graduate of The Leningrad Institute of Railway transport Engineers, as well as his son.
In a railway worker family everybody understands all difficulties of this profession and the head of the family always follows all advice of its members.
After work Mr. Vasiliev has a big hobby, especially in summer - his dacha and gardening. He likes to read S. Esenin, A. Pushkin, R. Gamzatov, The Russian history. He is fond of going to football, hockey with his friends and he likes to play chess and to sing his favourite songs in a chorus.
There is a pet in his family - a doberman named Murat. To speak the truth, the dog is usually walked by the head of the family. Mr. Vasiliev thinks it is quite bustling for him because of his work. But at the same time walking with a dog gives him a possibility to relax and to think.
Mr. Vasiliev is the Honored transport worker, the Honored railway worker. He is a recipient of two orders.
His address: St. Petersburg, Sedova str. 45
Tel. Number: +7 (812) 5606436
Fax number: +7 (812) 5605766
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