Vaschenko Anatoly Feodorovich
General Director of State Obukhovsky Factory.
Born on September 23, 1937 in the city of Sumy, Ukraine.
He began his career in February, 1957 on the Sumy City Factory named after Frunze, working at first as lathe operator, and later as Assistant Foreman.
A.F. Vaschenko's working career continued on the "Bolshevik" factory (known today as the State Obukhovsky Factory):
1960 - 1969. Construction Technician, Senior Construction Technician, Construction Engineer, Lead Constructor of a regional construction bureau;
1969 - 1972. Deputy Chief, Deputy Chief Constructor of a regional construction bureau;
1972 - 1981. First Deputy Chief, First Deputy Chief Constructor of a regional construction bureau;
1981 - 1988. Chief Engineer, First Deputy General Director. General Director of the factory since 1988.
"Sign of Honor" Order, 1969;
Laureate of the U.S.S.R. State Award, 1977;
Laureate of the U.S.S.R. Lenin Award, 1984;
Accomplished Electrical Engineer of the Russian Federation, 1995;
Awarded the honorary titles of Acting Member of Russia's and St. Petersburg's Engineering Academies.
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