The Mechanobr Mining Group
In 1916 on the territory of the St. Petersburg Mining Institute
a station for the mechanical processing of minerals was created and a small
company in charge of its operation was formed. Later, this company became the
foundation of the State Institute for the Mechanical Processing of Mineral
Resources ("Mechanobr"), created in 1920. The Mechanobr Institute became the
first Russian engineering company to develop technologies of enrichment for
various types of mineral ores, to create ore processing machinery, to plan the
construction of ore enrichment plants. In 1985 Mechanobr was transformed into
the Interdisciplinary Science and Technology Complex (ISTC) and given the task
of organizing and co-ordinating the necessary research, experimental and design
projects on the territory of the U.S.S.R. During that time period, more that
30 institutes, construction agencies and production companies, higher education
facilities and plants have merged with Mechanobr, among these such well-known
plants as the Uralmash, the Novokramatorsky Factory and many others. Over those
years, the Institute has been playing the main role in designing the country's
ore enrichment facilities, while at the same time working with foreign partners.
It created technologies for the refinement and desintegration of natural
and artificial materials, for their separation and enrichment. 25 countries
of the world operate ore enrichment complexes and factories designed by
Mechanobr and equipped with its machinery. The largest among them is the
Erdenet Complex in Mongolia, that is constantly being modernized by the efforts
of Mechanobr's specialists. There exist also a number of plants built by
Mechanobr in Iran, Bulgaria, Cuba, and other countries. During the 1980's
and 90's licenses to build Mechanobr-designed machines were sold to Japanese
and U.S. companies. In 1992-93 on the basis of the Mechanobr Institute the
Mechanobr Mining Group was formed. The Group is a merger of organizations
created as joint stock companies. The majority of Mechanobr's
companies' stocks is held by working or retired Mechanobr employees, and also
non-governmental partner companies. Companies that are members of the group
have the ability to develop technology for the processing of any type of mineral
resources, to design and equip plants with any possible volume of production.
Responding to modern demands, the Mechanobr Group works with artificial
materials and industrial waste materials, transforming them into useful products.
Mechanobr's technologies' reliability and effectiveness is rooted in the high
qualification of its engineering staff and its 80-year tradition of serving the
mining community.
In mid 1990's, in the process of privatization, the Institute has been
turned into a holding company with several filial firms, with different
specializations. One of them, called Mechanobr Technology, has joined together
the Institute's specialists in the areas of machinery design, technologies of
desintegration, classification, separation and the engineering of complex
technological lines.
Thus a comglomerate of scientists and engineers capable of realizing and
increasing the Institute's technological potential was created. Besides its
works in the mining industry, Mechanobr Technology is oriented towards other
fields, including new technologies of producing construction materials and
the processing of technogenic resources, and also towards solving ecological
problems. As a result of analyzing industry-related ecological problems and
conducting marketing procedures, Mechanobr Technology was able to attract the
attention of construction engineers and ecologians to its projects. With the use
of its specialized vibration grinders, factories for the production of high-
quality gravel were created. In addition to this, units for recycling used cable
and electronics waste products were designed and put into use. Other units were
created for recycling old building materials, such as ferro-concrete, for
recycling old car tyres into raw latex, and for various other waste materials.
These factories and recycling units were equipped with Mechanobr's technical
innovations, such as vibration and conic inertion grinders, sieves, magnetic
and electric separators, gravitation and flotation machines, and auxhiliary
equipment. The high quality of Mechanobr Technology's machinery made it possible
to sell various new licenses and equipment to the U.S., Japan, Austria,
Australia, France, China, Finland, Italy and many other countries. This provides
evidence of Mechanobr Technology's worldwide reputation. In recent years the
volume of Mechanobr's production has been growing rapidly, and this allows it
to invest in new developments in order to preserve its global renown. Mechanobr
Technology's workers have authored more than 700 inventions, 65 among these
have international licenses. More than 30 major directions of technological
research and more than 50 equipment models are both favourable factors in the
the company's development prospects. It is also important that at least half
of its technology surpasses world standards of quality. All of this is
evidenced by the ever-growing interest to the company among both domestic and
international customers.
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