Sisoev, Alexander Abramovich
General director of the public company "Lensvyaz".
He was born in August 1st, 1949 in Leningrad. After school he studied at the Leningrad machanical instruments buildung college. He served in the army, after that he graduated from the Leningrad Electrical Engineering Institute, named after M. Bonch - Bruevich. During his studying in the institute, Alexander began to work on the oldest enterprise in St. Petersburg - Leningrad telegraph office. And he was involved into telecommunications forever.
He worked on the most difficult and important sections of telegraph. He started his work as sn engineer and then he became the general director of the public company " St. Petersburg Telegraph". Under his leadership this oldest enterprise was technically rearmed. He had practical training in the leading telecommunication companies of the USA, England and Germany.
In June 1998 A. Sisoev became the head of one of the biggest Russian telecommunication companies - the public company " Lensvyaz". Today this company offers all spectrum of services regarding communications from telephony till broadcasting and television. The company " Lensvyaz" today has:
- 330 thousand of telephone users
- 400 million rubles of incom
- 470 telephone stations and communication services in more than 2000 places of our region.
At present the company " Lensvyaz" is working on the development of its strategic direction. This company worked out " The chart of the transport and initial telephone net development". The Government of Leningrad region is interested in realization of this chart, because the chart takes into account different enterprises` and organizations` interests. Also the interests of regional population, the Municipal Administration, private organizations and other structures for the period till 2015 are touched. As the leader of the biggest communication operator in the North-West region of the Russian Federation, Alexander Sisoev actively works with his colleagues, regularly takes part in Russian and international seminars, conferences and exhibitions. At present he is the member of the board of directors of the companies " St. Petersburg telegraph", " Oblkom", " St. Petersburg center of electrocommunications", " Rostelegraph", " The North-West GSM". He is an academician of the International Academy of communications. He takes part in the work of special comissions of Leningrad Gevernment. He is a recipient of the medal " Labour Veteran" and he has the honoured rank " Master of communications". A. Sisoev is very hardworking and wise. Thanks to his personal qualities he became the leader. He likes to listen to music, especially he is fond of famous bard`s songs, such as: V. Vysotskiy, B. Okudzhava, A. Galich. He adores cars. He is married and has twi daughters. A. Sisoev is happy having his family and work.
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