Sergeyev Aleksandr Mikhailovich
Born November 16, 1957 in the village of Prokhorovka, Belgorod region.
Graduated from Higher Naval School named after V.I. Lenin as a mechanical engineer.
General Director of JSC "St. Petersburg Remmash" at the present moment.
Remmash has been successfully working at the machine tools market since 1989. It offers supplies of used and new machine tools equipment, carries out repairs and modernization, installations and fine-tuning, expert evaluations of the equipment's technical state, makes contracts for post-guarantee service of machinery, buys unwanted metal-processing equipment for re-sale.
To carry out these works, JSC "St. Petersburg Remmash" possesses its own production facilities and highly-qualified technical staff.
Rammash machinery is successfully operated by over 60 companies in Russia and abroad, such as "AVV Nevsky", "Arsenal", "Leningrad Metal Factory", "Izhorsky Factories", "Baltiysky Factory", "Bummash" and "Kirovsky Factory", the Finnish ALSTROM and Kotkan Konepaja Oy firms, the Swiss GALIKA AG firm, the French Thiers Technique Industrie firm, the Portuguese ROEWATER TRADING LIMITED company, the Vietnamese PHUOC AN Co. Ltd., the Chinese Conom and Russis firms, the Mexican Consultora en Maquinaria Ingeneria y Tecnologia (S.A. de C.V.) firm.
Remmash has an extensive experience in repairs of lathes, milling and carousel machines, forge and press equipment.
Tel./fax: (812) 279-96-26, 273-71-71, 279-88-80
Mailing address: 191014, P.O. Box 5, St. Petersburg, Russia
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