Pavlovich, Svetlana Pavlovna
General director of the public company "The food production plant",
the Laureate of the rank "The high class brewer".
Svetlana Pavlovich is one of the most popular leaders of the food industry in St. Petersburg. After she graduated from the Leningrad Food Industry Institute, she was sent to Alma-Ata, where she took an active part in the opening of the new brewery, later she directed its modernization. After that the brewery became the biggest brewing and nonalcoholic plant in Kazakhstan. Svetlana Pavlovich used to work as a foreman, a head of the laboratory and a chief brewer.
She received a rank "The high class brewer" for her contribution to the food industry development.
In 1981 Mrs. Pavlovich came back to Leningrad and started to work on the brewery "Krasnaya Bavaria", where she rose from the chief brewer till the director. The factory had been reconstructed completely for 12 years. The equipment and technologies had been changed and because of this later the assortment was increased by 4 times. People in Leningrad remember the times when every district had several stands selling natural Russian quass. Also different kinds of high quality beer, soft drinks and malt were produced.
Mrs. Pavlovich has been working on "The food production plant", the former yeast factory. Her energy, persistence, and significant organizational skills helped to rise the enterprise at the beginning of her work. She made the total reconstruction of the enterprise and she managed to increase the output by 8 times more. The enterprise used to supply the whole North-West region and the Far North with its products. In 1988 the neighboring enterprise "Azervino" was added to "The food production plant". At first the former wine and brandy factory had been oriented toward the non alcoholic production - syrups, and later the new liqueur and vodka production was organized, which assortment consisted of vodka, brandy, wines, cogniac, vermouth and others. The enterprise has its own trade mark - the production of such kinds of vodka as "Merchant Kudrin", " Grenader", "Severnaya Korona". The plant's production is very popular among the customers.
The plant produces baking yeast with the expire date - 30 days. It is able to produce different products with the help of different technologies according to the bakers` requirements. The combine has its own very well-equipped mini bakery with the productivity - 80 tons of items per month. The assortment is more than 30 names. Also there is the mini brewery which produces their own developed beer.
It is true that under the leadership of Mrs. Pavlovich the enterprise has survived and now it is successfully developing. There are much work and many interesting plans ahead which are sure to be realized.
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