Narykin Alexander Alexeevich
OAO "Design Institute # 1" General Director, Honorary Constructor of Russia.
Born in 1947 in the City of Leningrad. In 1976 graduated from Leningrad Engineering and Consturction Institute. In 1972-1974 served in Army in Engineering and Construction Forces. Length of service - 39 years. From 1981 works in Design Institute #1, hold positions of Project Manager, Deputy Chief Engineer, Chief Engineer and General Director. Managed development of projects for several big industrial enterprises, participated in elimination of earthquake in Leninakan, Republic of Armenia. Within recent years was involved in development of Institute regional activity and Institute restructuring during perestroika.
Since 1994 - OAO "Design Institute #1, General Director.
Purpose of activity of share holding company is to earn maximum profit from production activity.
Task of general director is to reach the desired result effectively and with minimum losses.
Main indicator - product quality that brings, afterwards, profit.
Influence on product quality is via improvement of technical base and attention to company personnel.
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