Eremin Alexander Konstantinovich
Director general of close corporation "DSK-3".
Born January 25, 1959 in Penza oblast. Married, has two sons (1986 and 1989).
In 1986 graduated from Penza engineering and building institute where he had been majoring in industrial and civil building.
In 1998 finished program of training real estate agencies' heads. In 2000 upheld a thesis and was conferred a degree of candidate of economic sciences.
He started to work as a mechanic at the BAM construction in 1978 after finishing a railway transport technical school in Penza. After graduating from institute worked as a foreman, a chief engineer and a building department's director in Pikalevo and Boksitogorsk towns.
Since 1994 he has been working in close corporation "DSK-3", first as a commercial director, and since 1996 - as the centre's director general. He initiated settling and development of building houses with solid reinforced concrete supporting constructions, which is a new direction of the corporation's work. He is the author of many articles on the "DSK-3" work in new market conditions and on innovations in apartment houses building. Stands for development of a civilized and safe accommodation market based on business partnership relations, and for providing inexpensive quality habitation.
In 2000 awarded with a medal " Honoured builder of Russian Federation".
Hobbies: sports, fishing, hunting.
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