JSC First Confectionery Complex "Azart"
JSC First Confectionery Complex "Azart" is one of the oldest confectionery enterprises in the city with a rich history. It was founded back in 1848, when an entrepreneur named Georg Landgrin opened a shop for the production of lolipop caramel on Peterhof Highway. In 1860 the production of famous Monpansier lolipops began here, and a stock company was formed in 1886. In 1911 a steam factory was opened on Large Sampsonievsky Prospect. The factory outputed over 2,500 tons of products a year up until 1917. The popularity of Georg Landgrin's company's products in pre-revolutionary Russia was quite impressive. The factory had the honorary title of "Supplier of His Emperor's Magnitude's Court". This title was a kind of quality mark. It was given to firms that supplied goods for the Emperor's family and for various court services. Aside from "Georg Landgrin", such well-known firms as "Eliseyev Brothers", the Russian-German "Bavaria" association, "Laferm" tobacco factory and the bread trader Filippov were in this list of suppliers.
Chocolate, candies and cookies made by Georg Landgrin were regularly served at theTsar's table during solemn banquets and holidays. This was so during the reigns of Alexander III and Nikolai II.
After 1917 the factory was included into Lenpischeprom (Leningrad Food Industry Board) system, in 1936 it was named after A.I. Mikoyan. During the entire blockade the factory continued to work, producing food concentrates, vegetable jam, confectionery products and protein yeast for the needs of soldiers at the frontline and for the besieged city. Shops for the production of armaments and pharmaceuticals were also created. The factory was awarded an honorary Red Banner for its wartime work.
After the war the factory was re-equipped with fully mechanized conveyor belt lines for the production of caramel and candy and it became the chief production enterprise of Leningrad's Confectionery Industry Production Association named after N.K. Krupskaya. By the 50th anniversary of the 1917 Revolution the enterprise was awarded the Order of October Revolution. In 1986 the association ceased to exist and the confectionery factory was renamed First Confectionery Complex. In 1992 the complex's stocks were sold and it obtained its present name. The enterprise's stock holders are its workers who, according to its regulations, govern the enterprise through its Board of Stock Holders and Board of Directors (accountable to the Board of Stock Holders), headed by the enterprise's President and General Director.
In accordance with tradition, "Azart" is an enterprise with 100% Russian capital. At the present time "Azart" is one of the largest Russian confectionery enterprises and the only caramel producer in the North-West of Russia. "Azart" enterprise's production facilities allow it to output over 30,000 tons of products annually. This includes about 150 types of caramel, chocolate candy, milk candy, of different types of chocolate, as well as gingerbread, cookies, Asian sweets, cocoa powder and semi-prepared chocolate products.
Despite the great assortment of products made by "Azart", the complex's workers believe that the development and introduction of new types of products, adapted to the needs of the greatest possible number of customers with various requirements and income levels, is the basis of its success.
Russia's confectionery products market today is broad and diverse. Many factories existing today are successful enough, but products manufactured by "Azart" have one peculiarity that sets them apart from all others. These candies are not only good-tasting, but also healthy. The complex makes an emphasis on improving the health qualities of its products and outputs candies rich in vitamins, proteins and minerals. "Azart" has developed unique types of candy that may be called a necessary part of the diet of those people who care about their health.
Candies that have a special natural biologically active complement, made out of grapes, as a part of their chocolate covering deserve special attention. This element is very good for one's health because it contains basic biologically valuable substances like vitamins E, B1, B2, P, PP, carotene, microelements, potassium, calcium, polyunsaturated acids and caffeine. These substances regulate the oganism's fat exchange, slow down aging processes, have tonicizing and germicidal effect. The original candy recipe, containing the natural complement derived from grapes, was developed by the enterprise's President and General Director N.N. Azarov personally.
Aside from the biologically active complement, "Azart" uses such substances as beta-carotene in its production processes.
"Northern Palmira" candies, made by "Azart", contain an extract derived from a plant called pink radiola that considerably improves one's everall health condition and increases working abilities.
"Peterburgskie" candy with ginseng extract and diabetic "Be Healthy" and "North Pole" candies are highly popular among customers.
"Vitaminka" caramel, containing a mixture of ten vitamins, may be taken during nervous stress and high blood pressure conditions.
"Golden Anchor" porous chocolate is among "Azart"'s novelties, containing almonds and dry milk aside from the traditional components.
The enterprise is especially proud of its liquor-containing caramel called "Azart". A full scale of taste half-tones make this sort of candy a welcome delicacy on every dinner table. This unique product has been developed at "Azart" in 1998. Nikolai Nikolayevich Azarov is the author of this invention. It was he who suggested to create a liquor caramel line at the enterprise. 12 kinds of this candy, containing various fruit and berry flavors, are made today. In 2001 its is planned to make new "Romovaya" (with rum) and "Cappucino" (containing milk liquor) caramels. The production method is protected by a patent.
Products made by "Azart" are sold in all regions of Russia, Kaliningrad to Vladivostok. They are well-known in Estonia and Israel, they can also be seen in Germany and in the U.S.
The high quality of "Azart"'s products, including newest developments, has been confirmed by numerous awards and diplomas, received at Russian and foreign exhibits and fairs.
The enterprise's workers believe that its products are made, above all, for the future. This is why "Azart" tries to always take into consideration the tastes of children. The enterprise strives to teach children to like high-quality Russian-made products, while directing all of its income towards broadening and developing its production facilities and creating new types of products.
JSC First Confectionery Complex "Azart"
St. Petersburg, Large Sampsonievsky Prospect, 77/7
Tel./fax: (7-812) 245-0626, 245-3626, 245-2310
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