Antsev Georgi Vladimirovich
General Director, General Constructor of AOOT "Radar MMS" Research and Production Enterprise, Dean of Emergency Medicine Systems and Complexes Department of the St. Petersburg State Technical University's Institute of Intellectual Systems and Technologies. Graduated from the Leningrad Institute's of Aviation Devices Electrical Engineering Faculty in 1985. Received a diploma in University's of California American Institute of Business Research and Development in 1996.
Member of the International Academy of Transportation, Chairman of the North-Western Department of Russia's Academy of Medicine and Technology, Doctor of Transportation, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Honorary Radio Operator of the Russian Federation, member of the U.S. Institute of Electrical and Radio Engineers (IEEE), author of over 80 scientific essays in the area of complex radioelectronic information systems of military and civil use, on conversion of the defense complex, on medical logistics; member of the Interdepartmental Council on military radio-locating systems and complexes.
Born in Leningrad on January 29, 1961. General Director of "Radar MMS" Research and Production Enterprise since 1990. Prior to that, since 1988, he has worked as Director of "Luch" Science and Technology Industrial Center, which he has created. At the present time AOOT "Radar MMS" is Russia's leading enterprise in the area of high-intellect radioelectronic aiming systems for high-precision weapons. Over 1,500 persons are employed at the enterprise, including its Moscow branch. It provides highly paid jobs to qualified specialists in radioelectronics, information systems and radio physics, including those living in St. Petersburg's residential areas adjacent to "Radar MMS" premises, such as Shuvalovo-Ozerki, Long Lake, Commandant's Airport and Kolomyaga areas. AOOT "Radar MMS" is an independent research and production enterprise involved in the development and production of intellectual radioelectronic complexes of various purposes, including those related to military and civil aviation. The enterprise takes care of the entire life cycle of scientific radioelectronic complexes, from research involved in their creation to their production, testing, marketing and sales. Products made by "Radar MMS", having no analogues in the world, are actively exported.
Over the past years the enterprise has followed a policy of creating its own full-scale production facilities with the use of advanced technology, introduced by the General Director. These technologies are created and perfected at a microelectronics base that constitutes a part of the enterprise. An existing testing base (consisting of aviation technology, surface complexes and climatic and mechanical testing shops) completely satisfies the enterprise's needs during both the development and the manufacturing of its products. A complex of purification devices guarantees full ecological safety of all works conducted.
A number of influential schools of researchers and developers are working at "Radar MMS", continuing the traditions created by their founders: Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of the State Award, Doctor of Technical Sciences V.L. Koblov; laureate of two State Awards, Doctor of Technical Sciences V.M. Glushkov; Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor V.A. Potekhin; A.B. Poznansky. The enterprise's General Director does everything he is capable of to preserve its personnel of researchers and developers and to add to its rich scholarly legacy. The enterprise acted as founder of the Russian and International Academies of Transportation, of the Russian Academy of Medical Technology Studies. Three branches of the city's higher education institutions' leading engineering departments have been created at "Radar MMS" on G.V. Antsev's initiative. These branches are a response to the enterprise's sharp demand for qualified personnel. The majority of specialists trained at "Radar MMS" continue to work there. "Radar MMS" established close working ties with the Academy of Civil Aviation, where it has opened a research laboratory. Monetary prizes and personal diplomas of three degrees named after the founders of the enterprise's schools have also been created on G.V. Antsev's initiative. These awards are given to graduates of the enterprise's educational premises and to workers of the Naval Academy's Faculty of Armaments, whose students participate in annual internships at "Radar MMS". The enterprise also gives out personal scholarships for best senior theses to graduates of the St. Petersburg State Technical University's Faculty of Intellectual Systems and Technologies. Every year workers of "Radar MMS" publish new monographs, some of which are translated into foreign languages. They write dozens of articles, participate in international conferences, exhibitions and fairs. As a scientific editor, G.V. Antsev has prepared and issued five collections of research works by Russian scientists and engineers involved in the creation of complex radioelectronic technology.
A concept of fifth generation management systems for high-precision weapons has been developed under G.V. Antsev's leadership. This concept uses multi-functional small-scale control systems, equipped with a complex of computing devices capable of adapting the logic of its functioning to tasks accomplished by transport carriers without changing its structure. Such systems are used to equip cruise missiles, screen planes, amphibia carriers and pilotless aviation devices, allowing them to achieve their tasks in various conditions, such as during radioelectronic jamming. "Spasatel" ("Rescuer") screen plane, made by "Radar MMS", created new opportunities for emergency rescuing from sea surface and was awarded a diploma and a silver medal at the World Invention and Discovery Salon in Brussels in 1993.
The complex of radioelectronic equipment for "Iceberg-Razrez" double-frequency airplane radio locating system, developed by the factory and successfully operating today, in combination with digital processing of the radar signal over its entire dynamic range, with the identification of the observed objects' polarized and phase characteristics, allows to get highly informational radar images of the Earth's surface and of its undersurface structures. Secondary digital processing of radar information in conjunction with navigation data (including data received from satellite systems) and other additional information ensures the precise geographical positioning of the radar images, the use of electronic card technology and the precise placement of plane navigation routes during the execution of various types of radar screening on large areas.
A laboratory plane equipped by this complex of devices is at the enterprise's disposal. Important practical works for the Russian Navy, Border Control Forces and Emergency Situations Ministry have been carried out with the use of this plane. Reliable monitoring of undersurface objects and ice, water and land surfaces has been performed. Among other things, the scale of the ecological disaster at Usinsky Oil Works (Komi Republic) in November, 1994 has been estimated by the above-mentioned radar plane complex. A large cycle of radio physical research works has been carried out at "Radar MMS" that lead to the creation of "Vidimost'" ("Visibility") board radio-locating system with electronic scanning and high resolution abilities for the control of plane landings in the conditions of surface landing control systems' fault. "Visibility" allows to form a 4-dimensional tunnel of navigational parameters for highly critical segments of the flight's route, i.e. landing approach and the landing itself, with any category of difficulty, through the CNS/ATM system, currently being introduced in civil aviation. With the help of this system the pilot is able to carry out the landing under "no visibility" conditions in a virtual space formed for him and marked in order to secure a safe landing schedule and avoid dangerous situations. The virtual space may be marked with radio "lighthouses" if necessary.
Serious attention is paid at "Radar MMS" to conversion works oriented towards its own long-term interests and important scientific and technological findings, accumulated in the course of the enterprise's defense projects. The creation of multimedia devices occupies a special place in the realization of these plans. A computer graphics studio has been organized at the enterprise for this end, equipped with latest technology made on the basis of newest computer systems and video recording developments. This allowed "Radar MMS" to put a number of information products on the market, such as "The Russian Museum" (Golden Diploma at the International Computer Exhibition in St. Petersburg, 1991), "Art Museums of Russia" (Diploma of "Milia 95" International New Mass Media Salon, Cannes, France), "A Walk through St. Petersburg", "Ornaments of All Times and Nations" and others.
In 1990 a department for the development of specialized complexes of medical apparatus and emergency medical care equipment has been created at AOOT "Radar MMS". A complex of equipment for board ambulance doctors of the aviation's medical units has been developed, manufactured, installed and tested on board of a MI-8MT helicopter. Other medical equipment, such as neonatal medicine devices, has been designed and produced with the guarantee of its repair and service. Medical devices created at "Radar MMS" and the presence of mobile production and auxiliary facilities have allowed the enterprise to offer turnkey installations to maternity hospitals. "Radar MMS" is actively involved in charity projects.
G.V. Antsev is married with three children. He enjoys downhill skiing and tourism.
General Director of AOOT "Radar MMS" believes that the revival of Russia in today's complex world can only be accomplished if its defense abilities are kept at a high level and thus proper attention must be paid to the country's military-industrial complex.
Address of "Radar MMS":
Russia, 197347, St. Petersburg, Novoselkovskaya Street, 37.
Tel.: 7-812-306-1313.
Fax: 7-812-306-1616
Moscow branch: 7-095-392-62-81.
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