Semenyako Evgeniy Vasilievich
Chairman of the Presidium of the St. Petersburg City Bar.
In his childhood, Evgeniy was far from the law world. Few people even heard of it in his native Varenikovskaya Cossack village of the Krasnodar region.
After graduating from secondary school with a gold medal and being admitted to the Leningrad State University's Faculty of Law, Evgeniy has quickly become one of the best students, which still allowed him to be quite sociable.
A man of great energy and inquisitiveness, Evgeniy Semenyako started practicing law at a public attorneys' board in 1971, then went to graduate school, and later resumed practice again. After working in the Leningrad City Court for five years, he returned to practicing as an attorney. Though he is a very disorganized and distractable man by nature, Evgeniy Vasilievich is always on time for court meetings and classes he teaches. He also arrives on time to the meetings of Russia's Attorneys' Association. Evgeniy Vasilievich is one of the administrators of the Association and also participates in the activities of the State Duma's Law Experts' Council.
Candidate of Law, Accomplished Lawyer of Russia, laureate of the F.I. Plevako medal, Russia's highest lawyer's award. E.V. Semenyako is a reknowned leader of St. Petersburg attorneys, who goes beyond defending narrow corporate interests, firmly upholding the dignity and social role of the legal profession as one of the most important institutes of a civilized democracy, that he wishes our society to be.
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