International Bar St. Petersburg
The initiative and activity of a large group of lawyers from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Tallinn, the Leningrad and other regions well known for their independent professional and political position resulted in the foundation and development of the Bar as an international association.
During six years of its activity membership of the Bar increased twenty times. Currently members of the Bar are 1,800 highly qualified lawyers. Most of them has the vast experience in defending human rights in criminal, administrative, and civil proceedings, as well as tax, banking, and other legislation of Russia. Five members of the Bar were elected in State Duma, one member was elected in the Federation Council.
The main objectives of the Bar are the following activities: provide diversified legal protection to Russian and foreign legal entities and individuals to defend their political and economic activity; develop legal activity and unite lawyers in Russia and abroad to defend civil rights and freedoms.
The largest legal advisory office operates in St. Petersburg. In unites over 600 lawyers. The Office has organized its advisory bodies in Moscow and Moscow region, Pskov, Novgorod, Vsevolozhsk, Vyborg, Volkhov, Kazan, Ivangorod, Luga, Petrozavodsk (Karelia), Stavropol, Kaliningrad, Mordovia, Komi Republic, Khakassia, Kotlas, Perm, Riga (Latvia), Tallinn (Estonia), Munig (Germany), Cyprus, Israel, Britain, Finland.
The International Bar plans to organize its advisory bodies in other Russian regions and abroad. The independent professional union the International Bar St. Petersburg is a founder of the Russian Bar.
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