Zaslavsky Anatoly
Born on November 2, 1939, in Kiev.
In 1957 finished a secondary art school in Kiev.
1958-1959 - was excluded from the Kiev State Art Institute because failed to know the Ukrainian language. Worked as an artist-retoucher at a Kiev factory. Then moved to Leningrad.
In 1965 graduated from the Leningrad Art and Industrial College named after Mukhina (monumental painting).
Since 1966 has been participating in city, republic, all-union and international exhibitions.
In 1977 joined the Union of Artists.
1983 - personal exhibition in the House of Scientist in Lesnoy.
1986 - personal exhibition in the Blue Reception-Room of the Leningrad Union of Artists.
1987 - personal exhibition in the Dostoevsky's Museum-Flat.
1991 - personal exhibition in the Marble Palace.
1992 - personal exhibition in the Museum of Theatrical and Music Art.
His works are stored in the State Russian museum, Museum of St. Petersburg's History, Museum of Theatrical and Musical Art (St. Petersburg); in the Kiev State Museum of Russian Art, in the Perm Picture-Gallery, in the Petrozavodsk Art Museum, in the Far-East Art Museum; in private collections in Russia, Germany, Denmark and the USA.
Elena Barinova
Photo Album of Zaslavsky Anatoly
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