Piotrovsky, Mihail Borisovich
Director of the State Hermitage
Born December 9, 1944 in Erevan into the family of the outstanding scientist and archaeologist
Peotrovsky B.B., who headed the State Hermitage for many years.
Graduated from the Eastern Faculty of Leningrad State University (1967). Having graduated from
university was taken on by the Eastern Studies Institute, part of the USSR Academy of
From 1991was Deputy Director of the State Hermitage and from 1992- its Director. Scientific
concerns are the Ancient and Medieval History of Middle East, Muslim Art and
Participated in archaeological excavations in Central Asia, in the Caucasus, in Yemen.
Author of more than 150 research works. "Southern Arabia in the Middle Ages", "Legends
of the Koran" are among them.
Doctor of Historical Sciences.
Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Science.
Member of the Russian Academy of Arts.
Member of the Presidium of the State Prizes Committee.
Member of the Presidium of the Russian Committee at UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific
and Cultural Organisation).
Member of the International Museums Council.
Adviser at the European Council.
President of the Universal Club of Petersburgers.
Awarded the Order of Honour (1997).
Married with daughter and son.
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