Hopova Ludmila Ivanovna
Director, the Studio of L.I. Hopova.
National master of Russia. Born in Orienburg, in 1918. Oil industry worker by education. Participant of the Great Patriotic War, a nurse. After the war moved to Leningrad. Applied art studied at home, without a teacher. Then worked in the House of Amateur and Folk Arts, where she directed applied art of Leningradskaya Oblast. For the last ten years directs a studio of applied art. Studio workers deal with embroidery, weaving, braiding, tatting, etc. But the main direction is propaganda of traditional embroidery of Russia's nations.
The Studio of L.I. Hopova is a constant participant of the most large exhibitions, including jubilee all-Russian ones, an international festival of folklore, amateur art activities in Moscow, as well as personal exhibitions in Kiev, Vilnius, Kizhi and St. Petersburg.
Hopova trained a great number of hobby groups and applied art studios directors.
The Studio of L.I. Hopova
Tel.: 559-62-69
Fax: 126-42-89
The House of Scientists in Lesnoy.
Photo Album of the Hopova's Studio
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